Weird Mind News Room episode 16: June 12th-18th 2023

 *theme song make you lose control*

Now hello again to you all for the newest episode of Weird Mind News room for another week of new releases, more trailers to witness for future release and talking on some of the news stories of this week (which may be updated if anything else comes out by the end of this week or the start of the Next one), but now without any delay, let us get into the contents of this week.

Releases coming in quick and Fast


The Flash

For the big release of this week we are heading over to the DCEU for the last in that main timeline before the great reset to The DCU headed up by James Gunn and Peter Safran is the Flash movie. Now the plot of this film will see Barry Allen, learning of his ability to tap into the speed force from the end of Snyder's Justice League, uses this abaility to travel back in time to stop the one thing that has haunted him for years, the death of his mother by some unknown force and the wrongful imprisonment of his father. In the Process of successfully doing this he has created an alternate timeline where other heroes don't exist besides one Caped Crusader (2 of them one the last appearance of Affleck and the other being Michael Keaton retuning after 30 years) and a new Kryptonian Kara or Supergirl, they will right the wrongs and try to save the day before everything falls apart. Now this is a weird one as initally up to release it has been getting non-stop praise from industry insiders, test audiences, new heads of the DC films and even the likes of Tom Cruise and Stephen King, but now the reviews are not too bad but they are more mixed, compared to the stronger reception from the audiences. A good portion seems to be parts of the visuals but the other big thing is mainly to do with the main lead himself, Ezra Miller, as over the last year they have appeared a couple of times in the news for being arrested for assault, threats, stealing, a somewhat hostage situation and a few other things and this film was nearly going to be cancelled, but it seems they are keeping this on the cards to do well. I may give it a look at soon enough, I know I have a film released from last week to check out as well but I am sure it will be something to watch soon.

Extraction 2

Now to one of the 2 releases from Netflix, we have the sequel to the 2020 action film of Extraction starring Chris Hemsworth, who returns as commando Tyler Rake who has returned from the Brink of Death and must embark on a dangerous mission to save a ruthless Gangster's imprisoned family. Now this one seems to be getting some well recieved reviews and seems to be getting a slightly better score then the original film but I am sure that it will be a good bit of a watch to check out on Netflix when you have the chance.

TV Shows

Black Mirror season 6

For the second of this weeks releases from Netflix, Charlie Brooker has returned once again after a 4 year disappearance with the long awaited 6th season of Balck Mirror, where we are provided with 5 now anthology based episode of different lengths from alternate history of space travel, Celebrity drama to a streaming service making an entire series based on their life and their secrets and being plaed by a big named celebrity. This also comes with an array of all new cast including Salma Hayek Pinualt, Aaron Paul, Michael Cera and many more familiar names and if you want some alternate reality history (compared to the world we live in) you can check them all out now on Netflix.

The Full Monty (tv series)

For the last of the tv shows released this week is a sequel series to a late 90s British comedy classic, The Full Monty, which in that was about a group of 6 unemployed men becoming a form of Chippendale dancers and going the extra mile to bare all. This new series takes us forward 25 years into the future to near present day and follows the same group as they navigate through Sheffield and its crumbling Healthcare, education and employment sectors, exploring the brighter, sillier and more humane way forward where communal effort can still triumph over adversity. Now the series has gotten some mixed reception compared to the success of the original and I am sure it is not too bad of a watch and all episodes are available now to check out on Disney+

Video Games

Layers of Fear

The final new release is technically not a new game but rather a remaster bundle and that is with Layers of fear. This new one is I believe the 2 original games given a major remaster uplift with the recreation in Unreal Engine 5 that focuses on a Painter going made to create his magnum opus and a method actor dealing with the struggles of his past. Now the game has gotten some decently received reception and some good spooks and puzzles abound and I am sure I will give this a try when I can on PC or on some possible console ports

Whirlwind of trailers

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Starting this week off we have gotten some first official video footage of gameplay for the upcoming newest Avatar game from Ubisoft, Frontiers of Pandora. This new first person game has you take on the role of a N'avi who has been imprisoned with the humans that have invaded Pandora and jumping forward 15 years you escape your captors and try to return to become a part of the N'avi again and take down those that made you think the people you belong with was the enemy. Now from the footage it does look visually stunning and it seems really cool and it does look great. Hopefully it will look like this (and not get downgraded like some trailers from them have shown in the past) and play great when the game releases just in time for Christmas on December 7th.

Star Wars Outlaws Gameplay

 If you remembered in last weeks episode blog, I made a mention of an announcement of another video game from Ubisoft and this time set in a galaxy far, far away. Yes this is Star Wars Outlaws and I will talk a little more on the look of the game as the one from last week was simply an announcement trailer, but now at the beginning of this week we have finally gotten about 10 mins of gameplay footage showing off the first open world star wars game and it does look pretty good and seems to play great, the character seems likeable (and hopefully won't become annoying) and that it will look and play this good when it releases sometime in 2024.

Carl's Date

Now this isn't a full movie but this is a short film that will be playing in front of a movie and that is with a new short set in the world of Pixar's UP with Carl's Date, where someone has asked Carl out on a date and it being the first one he has been on since Ellie passed away. With the help of his faithful dog Dug as his wingman, he may be able to see this work out by the end of it all. Now this looks wholesome and does follow on from the collection of shorts released a year and a half ago of Dug Days and I am for sure checking this out when it opens in front of Pixar's newest film Elemental, coming out in 3 weeks time.

Pixar's Elio

Speaking of Pixar, we have also gotten the first look trailer at the next film to follow on from Elemental and that is with Elio. This new film will answer the question of is there life beyond our world out in the galaxy and next year they will answer as the titualar young hero gets beamed up by some Alien species and gets mistaken for the ambassador of uh,  Earth. Now the potential for the alien designs and the worlds of the cosmos will be something I am very excited to see and I will be checking this out when the film releases in early March next year.


Now to another animated film that is releasing within the next 2 weeks, we have gotten the official trailer of the adaption of Nimona, that is coming to us from the Annecy animation film festival and this gives us a better look at the plot of the shapeshifting monster who teams up with a knight whos get convicted for a crime that he did not commit to find a way to clear his name and return things back to the way they were. Now this is a much better look at the film, the animation looks great and as of writing, the film is still sitting with a perfect score from reviews from the same festival for its positive themes and story. It is not long until release as this is coming out in 2 weeks time on June 30th on Netflix.

Chicken Run 2: Dawn of the Nugget

And our last trailer for this week is a more of a brief teaser before I say a proper full trailer for the film will drop soon and that is with the first look at the long awaited sequel to Aardman's Chicken Run with Dawn of the Nugget. This new films follows on from the original where the chickens of Tweedy's farm have escaped and found peace and sanctuary and Ginger and Rocky have just welcomed a new chick to the world. But when they hear from the mainland that the entirety of Chicken kind is being threatened, they will have to gear up and break back in and save them before they become the next thing on the menu. Now I loved the original film (and like Pixar I have a soft spot for Aardman animations) and from the brief teaser it does look great (I may need to get adjusted to the new castings for one or two of the leads but they seems to do the job well) and we now have a release date of December 15th on Netflix, so just in time for Christmas.

News Flash

Oh boy here I go delaying things

Starting off this week, we have some release date shifts all coming to us from Disney, specifically from some franchises from Fox, Lucasfilm and Marvel (we have not heard any for the animated side of things or a fair bit of Fox content but will update if anything comes around).This is to do with the ongoing Writers Strike and possible other strikes that will come alongside it and I will break them down now:

First is with the Avatar sequels. Initially we were supposed to get the 3rd entry in the franchise next year in December and was going up in contest against another blue person, Sonic the Hedgehog and the newest film from Jordan Peele, Now this film has been delayed by a year to Christmas 2025. For the other 2 sequels, they are going to be a bit more of a longer delay as Avatar 4 is now releasing in December 2029, delayed by 3 years from the original release in 2026 and then Avatar 5 is now coming out 2 years after in December 2031, 3 years from the initial release date of 2028. I am going to be old by the time the series is concluding (well in my early 30s anyway)

Onto Star Wars, this one is not being heavily delayed but we are getting 3 Star Wars films within a year, with the first one releasing in December 2025 (most case this will be delayed to avoid Avatar competition), the next is May 2026 and the last one will be in December 2026. Now what these ones are is anyone's guess but most case one of them will be the Daisy Ridley led film most case, another Taika's film and then maybe the Mandalorian film or one of Rian Johnson's films, but I am sure we will learn sometime soon.

Lastly on Marvel, the only side of them delayed has been on the film side and everything from 2024 release onwards has been delayed except one. The only not not delayed and in fact releasing earlier is Deadpool 3 which will be taking over from Captain America 4's release in May 2024 as while the 2 of them are currently in deep development, Deadpool seems to be moving along much quicker and may release quicker too. Now for delays, Captain America Brave New World is now releasing in Mid August 2024, Thunderbolts is taking Avatar 3's original date in mid December, Blade has gotten itself a bloody Valentine release in Feb 2025, Fantastic 4 is taking a release in May 2025 and then for the 2 Avengers films, Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars, they have both been delayed by a year with KD coming out May 2026 and SW coming in May 2027. Now I think personally this is a better move on their end as it will hopefully create some better film, reduce the feeling of Superhero Fatigue and be more of a quality over quantity approach that the recent films have been getting a little bit of pushback on and delaying them is fine with me.

But what do you think, do you think these are reasonable release date changes and do you feel that some other ones will follow along for delays and even joining the strike. Let me know down in the comments below of what you think

The Coyotes are howling

Onto a new adaptation announcement, Amazon Prime has announced earlier this week that they are working on an all new adaptation for their streaming service and will be a series focused on the graphic novel Coyotes. The series described as a blend of Kill Bill and The Last of Us, is set in a place known as the lost city of girls, a desert border town plagued by the mysterious disappearances of women. An officer by the name of Frank Coffey is on a mission himself to solve this mystery and on the case he comes across a young girl with a Kitana named Red, who is on a mission to kill the wolves that have been murdering Women at the Border. It turns out however that these wolves are actually Men from the surrounding villages and with the lives of their family and friends at stake, they must team up in order to stop this dangerous situation. Now this does sound cool and besides the announcement, it also has 2 big names involved in the production Value as this series will be produced by both Selena Gomez and Jordan Peele, so this has me with the upmost interest to check this out when it does come out.  

What do you think are you excited to see how this turns out, and have you read the graphic novel (cause I may check that out myself), tell me your thought down below and lets have a discussion about it.

Mutant Mayhem near finish is a top tier hit

Coming out of this week's Annecy Animated film festival, this is where we have been seeing a lot of new releases and announcements, including mentions of some trailers above and some showings of shorts (more on that after this) and full screenings on three films, Nimona (one I mentioned getting perfect scores), Ruby Gillman, Teenage Krakken (not a lot of reviews to talk about but one from variety seems to be positive) but I am going to focus on the 3rd movie shown and that is the newest Ninja Turtles movie: Mutant Mayhem. Now at this festival they have shown a near completed cut of the film to the attendees and the results and reactions have been overwhelmingly positive to the degree of the film receiving a 6 minute standing ovation at the end of it. Now not much is known for the reception other then I guess the animation being a highlight, the turtles feel like what they are supposed to be in the title and their is good action, comedy and heart to the film and this does have me excited to check it out myself and how the fully finished version will turn out by its release in Late July/ Early August.

But what do you think, are you excited to see this new action packed Ninja turtles movie, or are you too "shell-shocked" from the previous films (I apologize for the pun), but anyways I love to hear what you think in the comments down below.

The Spider-Man within

Also coming out of the Annecy festival, we have gotten word that we have gotten our first look at the brand new announced Spider-verse short film known as "The Spider Within". This new short will focus on what happens when Miles Morales starts to feel the pressure of his life as Spider-Man, which results in a scary, trippy little jaunt through his subconscious when he experiences a really bad Anxiety attack that morphs into a dark figure representing his darker alter ego and an imaginary infestation of Spiders in his room. Now this does sound very cool and I am guessing it is either going to happen in-between Into and Across or something as they have kept it quiet on where it is set (and having seen both of them I am saying in-between) and I think that showing that heroes can also have that sense of being afraid and overly stressed out and shown in the right way of what people see in that state and how they cope with it (and hopefully it will be more like the positive, powerful version from the recent Puss In Boots movie and less like the questionable approach of the Velma series). They haven't given a release date to this yet but I am sure that this will come out soon (or bundled with the Home release of the film).

Are you excited for another piece of Spider-verse content before we get the conclusion of this trilogy in Late March with Beyond the Spider-verse, Let me know your thought down below.

Danny is back with some all new acoustic goodness

In a first for this series, we have some bit of music news, that probably most of you will not care about, but it is something I do care about. Now I am not one that really enjoys much modern day music, some songs maybe, but a lot of the time it is all so same sounding to me. As for what I do like is more in the line of Comedy music, with the likes of the bands of TWRP, Planet Booty, Starbomb, Weird Al, Lonely Island and of course Ninja Sex Party. Now relating to NSP, the lead man himself, Dan Avidan, is teaming up once again with the boys of Super Guitar Bros to make a 2nd follow up to their original all acoustic album they released back in 2020. Now this new one has them doing some acoustic covers of songs like "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, "Time Stands Still" by Rush and "Clocks" by Coldplay and many more other songs. The first one was such a vibe of great cover tunes and I am looking forward to this and I think going off their official site this will be releasing in the Fall so I am excited (as well as NSP's newest album releasing as well too).

I like to know what you think, have to listened to any of these music groups or musicians yourself, let me know down below and tell me what you think.

We are going primal again

The Last 2 pieces of this week are both from Annecy and are coming from renowned animator Genndy Tartakovsky, and the first is on the side of their popular prehistoric and brutal epic series Primal. During the panel this week of upcoming projects, they have announced that we are getting a 3rd season to the popular series on Adult swim and will be more action packed and more brutal then ever. There is currently no release date for this and we will update when something comes along and changes that.

Spray and neuter your pets

The second and last bit of news from Genndy Tartakovsky is the next animated film from Sony Animation with Fixed, a new film that will follow a dog named Bull, an average all-round good dog who is in love with the show dog next door. However they will need to learn what are they going to do when they find out that they are going to get neutered in the morning and will need to learn out what are they going to do with their buddies on the last night with their things still attached. Now this is the first R-Rated animated film from Sony and will be the 2nd one from Columbia after 2016's Sausage Party and I am sure they will make some funny antics with this rating and making it raunchy as possible and I am sure we will get a release date sometime soon

What do you think of the 2 new announcements from Tartakovsky and are you excited for these 2 releases. Let me know what you think of them down below

And with that It about wraps up the end of this weeks Weird Mind News Room ad I hope your enjoyed what you have checked out here. Let me know your thoughts on some of these announcements below and lets start a discussion. But for now until next time, Stay being Wonderful people, Good night, Good news and powering down

Signing off

Sam H


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