Dressing up for Academy predictions for the 2024 Oscars

 And now the 2024 Academy Awards and here is your host Sam Harrison

Good evening everyone and I would like to welcome you to what is essentially a last minute outcome as I have come here today to bring you my thoughts, predictions and outcomes for what I feel will be my own choice predictions as well as the likely outcome films for this years academy awards as well as give some of my issues and problems that I have from this years outcome in particular (some that seem to echo last years one). SO I will be starting by going through each of the nominees for each of the 23 Categories going from the technical up to the Big final award of Best Picture. So I am not going to waste too much time and have the camera people telling me to wrap it up and lets get to the predictions of what's likely and my own choices.

Visualize it all in your head

So we shall start with the sector that has seen a lot more demand and use in the modern day and age (and the possible case of them unionizing for better working conditions) and this is with the basis of the Best Visual effects category and the 5 films shown throughout the entire process of their differing styles that got them this award and the nominees are:

The Creator
Godzilla Minus One
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning

Now each of these have their own unique style of form with the visuals and each have established the best form of the style. Now I haven't seen the full extent of the visuals in Napoleon but it seems to look well enough and for the four other movies the likes of the first 3 mentioned have really shown some of the best work. While Guardians looked amazing in their visual department with the worlds and the main characters, it can be a little daunting that the studios working on the visuals for these films are not treated the best, I still think it is a strong contender with the other big ones being the AI robot film in the future America and the giant Kaiju film from a post war Japan. To me personally any of those 3 I think are the most likely to win it but if I had to give praise over the others it would have to go towards the Godzilla film cause it is a damn impressive feat that a film made on a fraction of the budget to the other films can be that visually astounding and a really good film it is saying something and that its the first nominee for a Kaiju film in the 70 years the character has been around and I do think that this is a true feat of the love and care that went into a character but if any of those 3 options I would be fine with the statuete.

My Choice: Godzilla Minus One
Runner ups: The Creator and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3

I get to editing this soon

Now it is known for any form of visual media in film and TV that an important factor to take into affect is with the way it is edited as it helps to create the flow of a narrative, structure, pace and helps make all the other elements fall into place and the 5 nominees for this years award show just that:

Anatomy of a fall
The Holdovers
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor things

Now each of them have close aspects to one another bar one with all of them being a period piece or a form of a thriller. While they have their own merits I think the one that seems to be unanimous and would be the one I would say is the likely film is going towards Oppenheimer as his use from colour and black and white blend well with one another that it never comes off as Jarring and it keeps the pace moving gracefully even at exactly 3 hours of Runtime. While I have yet to fully experience most of the other films besides a bit of Poor things and Killers as well, I would say it's Nolan's film on a bomb that takes it for this category.

Likely Pick: Oppenheimer

Dress for the Occasion

Now every film whether based on a concept or a time period will want to give some flair and look to the whole wardrobe of the characters or the setting to help bring the appeal and look to the time setting or for getting the point across of the style and these 5 worked the style and aesthetic better overall of the choice for the costumes for the cast

Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor things

Now each of the films have some unique style and work to each of them that fit the style and tone for the period setting but there is 2 that went all out in the style and costuming and that was the weird period piece of Poor things and the big brand film of Barbie. Each of them had massive established looks from frocks, dresses and outfits for the whole cast through the world that film is set upon but I think personally the one overall that worked well with the mix and variety of style was of course with Barbie with the many different outfits, looks, designs and tones going across the expansive 60+ year history of the world famous doll that felt like a lot of love and care went into giving the look through them all and I think that love should be presented in that form.

Winning choice: Barbie
Runner up: Poor things

Don't spoil my makeup or mess my hair

Now with the likes of contempt to the style of costuming, you also come into the element of adding to makeup and hair to a production to make it all feel a bit more structured with making a character look like someone they are being based on or given it their own flair and style to the characters and these 5 are the standouts of the year:

Poor things
society of the Snow

Now they all have their tones with 4 being based on real life stories of people and the last being a period piece with some sense of style and design. Now the likes of the Nolan film has some simple designs from the looks of those you would see now and again and while I do not know much on the Golda and Society of Snow, I feel its the odd period piece of Poor things or Maestro that may take it this year as while they may be varying methods of looks, they both give a sense of a unique look to the production that help bring these characters to life or help to tell a story and they seem like the top choices for me.

Top Choices: Maestro and Poor things

Capturing the perfect shot

Now while you have the editing and other aspects, it is always down to how it is shot as some movies could have some unique style and look to it with all of these nominations having what is the best form of cinematography from the year of entertainment

El Conde
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor things

Each of the films nominated have some unique tone and flair to how they present or show their work from capturing important moments like the bomb test or orchestrating a music piece to showing the world and its strange look to the culture of the people that live in those lands at that time that each of them have a unique look to it all. To me while 2 have the similar aesthetic of colour and black and white imagery in their film, Oppenheimer I feel just do it better so that it helps establish which scene or time period we are following (colour for the creation of the bomb, B&W for the government investigation). It also would be a tie with the other 2 films of Poor things and Flower moon having some excellent imagery and shots that help bring the appeal of the films and I would not be an issue if any of these win

Top choice: Oppenheimer
runner ups: Poor things and Killers of the Flower Moon

If you build it, the vision of the film will come

Now a lot of films are not always down to the likes of the filming and costume and affects as it also comes to the level of how the envisioned productions and sets tend to be in the creators mind and the choices in this category are all proven the case that if given the concept for the world that it will become a clear vison:

Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor things

Now I feel each of these films have some unique form of production to set the tone and setting of the film but if I had to decide who I feel it will go down to it will be with Barbie or Poor things as each of them have something unique and different of a production and set design as Poor things looks to the level of an abstract over the top painting in its sets and look where Barbie gives the look of a massive Playset with the design and style looking like the toy line of doll houses, vehicles and sets that help make it come alive so I feel it will be a tough competition to go up against one of these 2 for the oscar this year

Top choices: Barbie or Poor things

Listen to the sounds of film

Now it does come to an important aspect about the use of sound and when it is used in the correct manner it helps to immerse an audience into a world of said media piece they have paid to watch and the 5 films being nominated here help to show that side of the world in its entirety

The Creator
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning
The Zone of Interest

Now each of these show some form of a different style of sound from the horrors of the prisoners of the 2nd world war in the concentration camps, the sound of science and physics, AI in the future and the threat to humanity and from the sound of the music heard in those grand theatre and halls that they all have something to bring to the table. If going off of what I feel stays with people in the use of sound I think that it may come down to the often sound winner with Nolan's Oppenheimer or the basis that it may be the case with the likes of the haunting sounds of the war with the Zone of Interest as being the choices to possibly take the sound award with the likes of Creator or Maestro as a mix for the top 3 spot.

Choices: Oppenheimer or The Zone of Interest

The Appealing tracks

Now the 2nd of the 3 involving some form of sound is with the focus on the music and we are focusing now on the likes of the songs from the score that could be the best pieces of ear worms that stay with people long after the credits rolled:

Flamin Hot "The Fire inside" (performed by Diane Warren)
Barbie "I'm Just Ken" (Performed by Ryan Gosling)
American Symphony "It Never Went away" (written and performed by John Batiste and Dan Wilson)
Killers of the Flower Moon "Wahzhazhe (a song of my people)" (written by Scott George)
Barbie "What was I made for?" (written and performed by Billie Eilish)

Now while I wish there was another films song that should've gotten a nod that was a song named after a fruit and about a princess, it seems to be a case that the most likely film that may be the toughest to beat going off of this award category is with the 2 songs from the Barbie Movie. While it may be more of the likelihood that What was I made for may be taking the win going off of the recent award wins, I do think that personally out of the songs I do remember the most of the film besides that was the song from the main man Ken and from the Dance party near the beginning of the film and it is a case that we Saw Ryan Gosling, Simu Lu and all other big names in fancy clothes and set pieces really show what it means to have Kenergy and that knowing he is going to perform this at the Oscars, it is the one I do hope that while Eilish has been winning most of the other award shows, this one will really be Kenough to out do it

Choice: "I'm Just Ken" or "What Was I made for?" from Barbie

Lets check the score

Now to wrap up all the categories involving the use of sound is going with the basis about the overall score of music for a film and these 5 (albeit one that I feel also should've been added but I'll get to that later) is mainly well established for the use in film to heighten the film more for the more quieter moments or for establishing scenes.

American Fiction (Laura Karpman)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (John Williams)
Killers of the Flower Moon (Robbie Robertson)
Oppenheimer (Ludwig Goransson)
Poor Things (Jerskin Fendrix)

Now all of them have some of the big names of the industry in music and each help to some extent in making the viewer become immersed into the world it is established. The one that feels a little off being there to many is John Williams for Indy but I think it is reasonably fine for the choice that it is cause his score for the Indiana Jones films is usually always so great so I won't complain on it and will delve more onto it in my review for the film soon. Going off of what the award wins for this category have been for this year, it does seem to me from the most known is with Goranson's score for Oppenheimer that has been labelled as the top choice in this category and to me feels the more straight forward and structured but not to say each of the other films nominated are not without merit but I feel it seems like the top choice in this category.

Pick for this category: Oppenheimer (Ludwig Goransson)

The vast choices of short films

Now for this next piece and the following one after this, I am going to delve into the 2 aspects that are both relating to the same category just with some slight differences and this first one will delve into seeing what is the best options for the short films in Live action and animated forms as it is a case I do not know much on any of these shorts in particular but I will delve into both and give my predicitions on both.

Live action
The After (Misan Harriman and Nicky Bentham)
Invincible (Vincent Rene-Lortie and Samuel Caron)
Knight of Fortune (Lasse Lyskjaer Noer and Christian Norlyk)
Red, White and Blue (Nazrin Choudhury and Sara McFarlane
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales)

Letter to a pig (Tal Kantor and Amit R. Gicelter)
Ninety-Five Senses (Jared and Jerusha Hess)
Our Uniform (Yegane Moghaddam)
Pachyderme (Stephanie Clement and Marc Rius)
War is Over! inspired by the Music of John and Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker)

Now each of them have some well distinct aspects to them and some would be much more appealing to others but since I don't know much on them I can't really delve in them too much. ON the basis of the live action side there is 2 I can give a focus on as a liklihood of one being topical and one I see as a more popular choice and those 2 are Henry Sugar as it is made by Award darling Wes Anderson and his only nomination this year after being oversnubbed for his movie of Asteroid City as a more fin choice and the alt more grim story is with Red White and Blue as it talks on a topical aspect about Abortion or Planned Parenthood and going across country to receive a treatment that has seen a bit of mass banning's in America so I feel those are the 2 picks I would see as the most likely to me anyway

Live action pick: Wonderful story of Henry Sugar or Red, White and Blue

As for animated, one I do know the people felt should've had a nod was the Once Upon a Studio from Disney but with the options here it can vary but the only one I feel I can sense I have seen or heard was with the one based on the music stylings of John Lennon and Yoko and may be the one to choose, now these are odd choices given I haven't seen most of them or know much on the context but I will go from the choices I have seen some pundits put onto these shorts

Animated pick: War is Over!

The vast array of documentation

as for the 2nd selection of 2 categories in one for a section I am delving into the sector focusing on the area of the Documentary sectors in full form and short form and I will try and give my choices for both of them

Documentary film
Bobi Wine: The People's President (Moses Bwayo, Christopher Sharp, John Battsek)
The Eternal Memory (Maite Alberdi)
Four Daughters (Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha)
To Kill a Tiger (Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe, David Oppenheim)
20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner, Raney Aronson-Rath)

Documentary Short
The ABC's of Book Banning (Sheila Nevins, Trish Adlesic)
The Barber of Little Rock (John Hoffman, Christine Turner)
Island In Between (S. Leo Chiang, Jean Tsien)
The Last Repair Shop (Ben Proud, Kris Bowers)
Nai Nai and Wai Po (Sean Wang, Sam Davis)

Now one I can say that maybe should have gotten a nomination in the documentary film section is with Still: A Michael J.Fox Story that was nominated in other award shows but lost out on this one and personally felt it should still be in the running but I guess there was 5 other films each with a varying degree of heavy subject mater material. The one that sticks out to me and had the chance of an international feature option as well is with 20 Days in Mariupol covering some of the early days of the horrendous ongoing war in Ukraine from Russia and uses in realtime footage from the journalists there covering the story from the violence that continues to destroy the lands and with the basis of war and hopeful ceasefire being a major focus as of late that the basis of this film may help continue the talking point and hopeful end to these 2 horrific wars

Documentary film choice: 20 Days in Mariupol

Now on the likes of the Short Documentary, they all focus on the form of the slice of life and other forms of topical forms (well one of them) and I think that the 2 that stand out to me is with the options of either of The Last Repair Shop and the ABC's of Book Banning as with the repair shop it is the story of the lives of the last musical repair shop in California that help shape the future of many of the customers lives while also looking into the fixers lives in the past and the ABC's one delves into the topical and really dumb focus of banning books on topics such as Race and LGBTQ+ themes, especially in Florida (and side not what they are doing is wrong and that LGBTQAI+ people are people and should be treated equally as well as all races and ethnicities) and I think the case of a topical subject may resonate so if it is to choose those I would say it would be these 2 as my top choice

Documentary short choice: The Last Repair Shop or The ABC's Of Book Banning

Mr worldwide of movies

Now we are heading into the really big focal nominations for this years Oscars and we start with the focus of the films that will be delving into those made from across the globe in showing the international filmmakers their chance of what makes them special on the levels of the other films nominated in the vast categories and the ones nominated for this year are as follows:

Io Capitano (Italy)
Perfect Days (Japan)
Society of the Snow (Spain)
The Teacher's Lounge (Germany)
The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom)

Now it is a case that a lot of movies over the year have some distinct appeal and aspect to the options to choice and while they all seem like a likely film choices I think the film that it may be down to is the UK and Poland film of Zone of Interest and the Spanish film of Society of the Snow as both delve into some of the heavy subject matter from a true story of survival in the Andes mountains and the horrors of the 2nd World War that each of them have had some mass appeal and both been well established as some of the best of the year that I see either one of these taking the golden statuete on the night.

International Film Choice: Zone of Interest or Society of the Snow

Just to remind all: ANIMATION IS CINEMA

Just to remind in the category that I love the most is that its a reminder that Animation is Cinema and will be something I'll delve more into in the complaints for this year but this years options are quite a well established selection with 2 of them I have already have written (which you can read here and here or watch those reviews here) reviews for and the others I may do after the extensive list of reviews on the backlog, but now let's look and see what has been nominated for this category:

Elemental (Pixar)
Nimona (Netflix)
Robot Dreams (international)
Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse (Sony)
The Boy and the Heron (Studio Ghibli)

Now this one to me has all some of the best choices and while if I had the power I would've extended the category to include the likes of Mario and Mutant Mayhem but I think the choices here are all excellent. Now it is a case I have a clear winner in mind but it also comes to the affect of a 2 way stand off and that is with Spider-verse and Boy and the Heron. The Original Into the Spider-verse was a game changer for animation and the sequel went above and beyond that with its visuals and stretching the animation to its fullest and while it may be a little longer then the initial planned release for Beyond, I can wait a while for that. As for the Boy and the Heron, this one has been a popular choice due to the film being directed by the great Hayao Miyazaki who has created some of the most well known animes of all time included the award winning Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery service and many many more so I will say that for the night it may come down to these 2 but I feel it may be the web slinger that may just snag it in the end.

Animated choice: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse or The Boy and the Heron

Adapt this into a film pronto

So we all know that a major aspect for helping to engage with a character and help us to like and develop them through the story is always going through the writing of the script and films. Now it is important to also point out that the likes of any form of script and writers are a very important aspect to any project and studios should learn and not F**k them over when it feels best for the companies which is not the best to do when it is shown from the writing of these 5 adaptated screenplays showing how it is best to be done:

Barbie (Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach)
Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan)
Poor Things (Tony McNamara)
American Fiction (Cord Jefferson)
The Zone of Interest (Johnathan Glazier)

Now the likes of all of them have some great use of writing and screenplays and while the likes of American Fiction may have some sense of a fighting chance I feel it may be going down to the battle of the Summer blockbuster event of Barbenheimer to really see which one of these will be taking the crown as the best adaptation of their works of based on the novel of the father of the atomic bomb or the life of wonder is life in plastic really fantastic but we will have to see on the night in question.

Adapted screenplay choice: Barbie or Oppenheimer

A Screenplay so fresh and new

Now on the other side of the screenplay making is more on the focus of those films that are more of the original side of things where these tell an original story and not adapted or based on something else (even though one of them may be a bit questionable on this listed category) and these are with:

Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet & Arthur Harari)
The Holdovers (David Hemingson)
Past Lives (Celine Song)
May December (Samy Burch)
Maestro (Bradley Cooper and Josh Singer)

Now the confusing one to me is with the basis of the Maestro nomination given this is a film based on the live of a composer and his wife, so unless this is a fictionalized version then maybe but I have no idea. Now it is a case that most of them have some good focus from a love story, a story of created families through strange circumstances, they all well established its craft with the only more grim film being focused on the coverup for a possible death they may be accused of and this one helps set it out against the more feel good films with a film that is fast and smart with its writing and wit for a grim tale and may be the one that comes out on top with the feel good of Holdovers and Past LIves making up the top 3 to me.

Screenplay Choice: Anatomy of a fall
runner ups: Past Lives and The Holdovers

The work of an actor can help with the support

So we delve into the individual roles that have been the standout for the entire role of their films and we start with the supporting roles of characters in the films and these chosen 5 really help in showing their range through the medium and genre these films are focused on and those nominations include:

Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction)
Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon)
Robert Downey JR. (Oppenheimer)
Ryan Gosling (Barbie)
Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things)

Now all of these actors show their unique talents and work and all deserve a reward to some form but it seems to be from the award season that 2 names are the most pushed and talked about and one seems to be the top choice and that is with Robert Downey JR for Oppenheimer and Ryan Gosling for Barbie. Each of these have been a fan favourite or were some of the most talked about cast from their respected films and while the likes of RDJ seem to be the one winning the Oscar in a few days, It may be the possibility of the Kenergy to help Ryan Gosling snag it in the end but we will never know until the night of the awards

Supporting Actor choice: Robert Downey JR or Ryan Gosling

Have a bestie in a supporting lady

Now when you have a supporting Actor nomination, you have to give one to the Ladies as well (and controversial opinion, I think they should add one for actors that may not identify as a man or woman but as a specific gender and be more inclusive but I know some will get mad about it) and these 5 women have proven themselves in roles that have left an appeal to many from the films they have been nominated for which include:

Emily Blunt (oppenheimer)
Danielle Brooks (the Color Purple)
American Ferrera (Barbie)
Jodie Foster (NYAD)
Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)

Now going off of the nominations and seeing how the likes of the other awards shows have been playing out, I can definitely see one clear winner and one I feel that I can see as a runner up. Now the one that seems like the surefire win is Da'Vine Joy as everyone has called her role as one of the best from the Holdovers besides the leading man of course (which we will get to) and the other I feel that stands out is with the choice of Emily Blunt that while having around 17 mins or so of screentime, did have some well developed and established scenes with her co-star of Cillian Murphy. As for the others, I can't really say much on Foster as I am not well aware on the likes of her film and the likes of Brooks seems like a great nomination but have yet to watch Color Purple. As for Ferrera, while I did enjoy Barbie (a review I will get to soon as well, just need to get someone on board for their own opinions on it) and I like her performance, it seems the case that her well established speech has made people think that is the reason she is nominated and while I can understand that I still think that their is more to her role then just that and most case would be my rounding out of the top 3 but the other 2 are the more likely choices for me.

Supporting actress choice: Da'Vine Joy Randolph
Runner up: Emily Blunt

The Leading ladies

Now we are into the final 4 nominations and we are in the biggest of them all (apart from the last one) and we start with the likes of while the fellas are all said and done, we are talking about the leading ladies first. Now this one does have a bit of a debated snub for a certain lead in the biggest film of the year and felt she would've fit amongst all of the others in this category which include:

Anette Bening (NYAD)
Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon)
Sandra Huller (Anatomy of a Fall)
Carey Mulligan (Maestro)
Emma Stone (poor things)

Now the snub has been aimed at the lack of nomination for Margot Robbie for Barbie but it is in a very busy category and she would still be nominated for the likes of another category (that we will get to) and from these choices it seems to be down to the two leading ladies with surnames based on the material found on this here planet and it is between Ms Gladstone and Ms Stone. Now both of these actresses have seen some award wins throughout this recent season and the big important factor is looking towards the case of if Lily Gladstone wins it will be Academy history of the first Indigenous Woman to win an award in the Best Actress category. As for Stone she has also seen a fair amount of wins as a reanimated woman learning about the world around her after her brain is swapped out with that of a toddlers but it will be surely down to these 2 to see who will be taking that coveted trophy on the night

Actress Choice: Lily Gladstone or Emma Stone

Now the fellas

And now we turn to the other side of the coin and we look at the basis of the leading men in their respected films and categories that each may be shown through different genres and forms that all come together in a different way and these films really show the aspect of who is the one that sets the tone:

Bradley Cooper (Maestro)
Colman Domingo (Rustin)
Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers)
Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)
Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)

Now again all of them have some of the excellent work established and acted in these films and all are deserving of their reward but similar to best Actress, this one also has a bit of a debated 2 leads that could win, one thats sweeping the awards and the other with a possible chance and these are Cillian Murphy and Paul Giamatti. Now it is looking more towards Murphy for the win as he has been winning award after award and it is often proven that if they win a golden globe and Bafta for the same role it may be likely for the Oscar too and I can see that happening but I can also see that for Giamatti as he has seen his fair share of wins for his role in the holdovers (that while for different genres would still have him as a likely candidate) and I am sure if all in the decision it will be down to these 2 leading the pack.

Actor choice: Cillian Murphy
Runner up: Paul Giamatti

The Film Needs direction

Now before the really big award of the night we shall talk about the people responsible for making these films possible and that is with the directors. Now truth be told their is a case that we could've had 3 female directors nominated this year and not always trapped with the Male dominated category or council in my opinion but all of these directors and some that were snubbed deserved some award recognition and this years 5 are:

Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall)
Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon)
Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)
Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things)
Jonathan Glazier (The Zone of Interest)

Now the one directing credit I do see everyone getting mad for the snub is with the choice towards leaving Greta Gerwig out of the directing spot given she already has had nominations before with Little Women and Lady Bird, but I guess her film that revived cinema was not enough for a spot. In all honesty it is hard to say which one I would choose for this but if going off of the appeal from some of the other award shows and the other categories I feel it is going to be a clash of the sexes between either Triet's Anatomy of a Fall of Nolan's Oppenheimer as both have seen great push for the awards season and both have seen some good award wins in their categories over the current season and either of these I think have the most likely chance of winning overall but it will be down to how the Academy will decide

Director choice: Christopher Nolan or Justine Triet

The fairest film of them all

And now we have come to the big award of the night which is of course the best picture. These 10 films have been chosen from voters and the academy of Motion pictures to be the choice for the best films of the year and for the tough competition to fight against one another in proving which is the film to be the overall film from the past 12 months of film and these are:

American Fiction
Anatomy of a Fall
The Holdovers
Killers of the Flower Moon
Past Lives
Poor Things
The Zone of Interest

All of these films have their own right of crafting the perfect director, story, cast crew and everything in between to create the best as can be in terms of film and it is a hard choice to decide on which I feel may be the overall winner. Going off of the films that have been winning the best film categories of other award shows it seems to be leaning towards the most nominated films from the night of either Oppenheimer or Poor things and while it may be one of them, to add 1 more to the mix of what I feel may get a chance could be with Zone of Interest but I think if anything it will be down to the zany period piece of Poor things or the deep story about the father of the Atomic Bomb with Oppenheimer as the top choice

Best Picture choice: Oppenheimer or Poor things

Now time for me to complain on some issues

Now I could've just left it there with my predictions of what I think will win each of the categories but it is to my attention with having some slight small issues which in some share relation to the issues from last year too and that is with the lack of respect towards a certain style of filmmaking and that is of course with the basis of Once again on its respect to animation. In the last few years we have seen hundreds of Animated movies be nominated for a few categories from their own designated category, some for Music in original score or original song and once or twice a long time ago being nominated for best picture. Now it is my own personal gripe I want to bring up and that is the basis of the likes of one or 2 of these films that were in this category should've gotten more love and to me one that should've was with Spider-verse as while I am happy and most case thinking it is the best animated feature winner, it was robbed of some other categories including for best musical score for the movie as it was proven overtime from multiple other award shows as a contender in the category and even in multiple others and in some sense given the first film should've had a nomination in this category would be the 4th film for the Best Picture category that was animated after Beauty and the Beast, Up and Toy Story 3. Now it is the case lately that the academy does not seem to recognize the dedicated and hard working craft that goes into animation and it also seems to be the case from some of those that present the awards that see it as just for kids (when it was a case that some of those actors presenting have lent their talents and voices to the category that you just dissed which makes them look a bit silly) and it is a case it is a reason that a lot of people are very vocal on social media about how they will constantly be annoyed from the lack of respect of this form of cinema when they have proven the method of making it look real or providing more emotion and expression that other live action formed films could ever muster or lack and even to the case that they have defined different elements from Toy Story being the First CG Animated movie that now dominates a lot of the genre to Disney showing the creation and as it is a case now of Spider-verse creating a new movement of creative genius and style that has latched onto other great films like Mitchell's vs the Machines, Puss in Boots the Last Wish and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem just to name a few with many more given their flair and style to those films and will see many more follow on from this as well into the future and it is a case I do hope that we will see the case that Animation is a form of art and Cinema and not just be left to one category or seen as just for kids.

Besides that I would say some snubs that I have seen is the mentioned ones of Margo and Greta for Barbie and the other one I have seen is with Leo DiCaprio snubbed for his role in Killers of the flower Moon. Some of the others I would say is that Godzilla would've been fine with a 2nd nod in best international film and it was a case I was thinking Wonka could've gotten some nod for original songs or the production design and costumes but maybe it was released at the end of the planned release calendar and could see it for next year alongside a certain film that most likely would've been heavily nominated this year but those are just some of my own nitpicks and I am sure there is reasons for it as well.

Concluding thoughts and summary

Now it is a case that brings us to the very end of this piece and it is important to note about how, the industry of film is a very sacred and special form of media and entertainment that has seen quite the fall from grace these last few years with the likes of the pandemic and then from the likes of more people waiting for it to release on streaming due to the case of cinema prices being too pricey (when not factoring in the likes of the monthly film passes) and the case that another factor was from some of the strikes of actors and writers, studio demands and delays leading to less appeal and more underwhelming films and box office but it does come into account the important thing is that many films release every year and show off their talents, hard work and dedication in the craft that they ever do love to make and for many people like myself will enjoy to watch and observe for many more years to come and even to a point of wanting to get involved in the industry at some point in the future but it is one thing to know is that no matter if its a big award nominee or winner, a small indie film, a corny film or a guilty pleasure watch then it is always a case that the love for film should be something that never goes away.

Just before I wrap up I am going to give all of my choice votes here of my predictions or top 3s:
Best Picture: Oppenheimer or Poor things
Best Director: Christopher Nolan or Justine Triet
Best Actor: Cillian Murphy or Paul Giamatti
Best Actress: Lily Gladstone or Emma Stone
Best Supporting Actor: Robert Downey Jr or Ryan Gosling
Best Supporting Actress: Da'Vine Joy Randolph or Emily Blunt
Best Original Screenplay: Anatomy of a fall
Best Adapted Screenplay: Barbie or Oppenheimer
Best Animated: Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse or the Boy and the Heron
Best International Feature: Zone of Interest or Society of the Snow
Best Documentary film: 20 Days in Mariupol
Best Short Doc: The Last Repair Shop or ABC's of Book Banning
Best Short (live action): Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar or Red, White and Blue
Best Short (animated): War is Over!
Best Original Score: Oppenheimer
Best Original Song: "I'm Just Ken" or "What Was I made for"
Best Sound design: Oppenheimer or The Zone of Interest
Best Production design: Barbie or Poor things
Best Cinematography: Oppenheimer or poor things or Killers of the Flower Moon
Best Makeup and Hair: Maestro or Poor things
Best Costume: Barbie or Poor Things
Best Editing: Oppenheimer
Best Visual effects: Godzilla Minus One, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 or The Creator

So that is all of my predictions for this years Oscars and I am sure I will be keeping an eye on this list as the award show will be kicking off on the 10th of March and will see how many I get right or wrong about and if any surprises happen in the process. But I will like to know your own thoughts as to what movies do you think will win in each of these categories and what do you think was snubbed as well? Let me know your own choices and thoughts down below in the comments section and as always I do hope that you all stay being wonderful people and have a great day everyday doing many great things and I shall see you's all for the next award season but most case sooner with the next article piece.

Take Care, Stay hydrated, keep being you, signing off,
Sam H


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