Hazbin Hotel: a Happy ol day in Hell


Salutations fair viewer for another glorious broadcast from your fantastical host that has been absent from the scene for some time. Now we got a very important discussion to talk on the emerging form of entertainment created by those creative minds on those video sharing platforms where we have seen the weird and wonderful style of characters appear in many forms from the vibe of making people smile, the basis of everyday life and many more in the pipeline of entertainment purposes. But today we are talking on the most recent success that has spawned from a popular pilot from all of those years ago has now got under construction and is now open for business and ready to serve as we will be checking into the all new and improved establishment of the Hazbin Hotel, a delightful place that stands tall overlooking the underworld. But I bet you are wondering dear listeners, what are my own thoughts on the whole ordeal? Well I can say that it may have taken a while but it is surely a pleasant visit to spend a sure fire happy day in Hell and I will tell you why in multiple different parts

A hotel with a storied past

Like most locales and denizens of any locations on the surface world, the gates above or the pits below, there is sure to be any form of story to be told and this form of entertainment for your little balls of vision will surely see that with the plot that is presented for your viewing pleasure:

"set in the deep era of hell, in an attempt to find a non-violent alternative for reducing Hell's overpopulation from the inhumane killing by executioners from above, the young daughter of Lucifer opens a rehabilitation hotel that will offer the denizens of the city a chance of redemption of rising to the place in the sky and with the help of some colourful characters will find a a way to prove that it can be possible even in a place like hell"

Now with any form of story like this, there can be potential of underdoing it or overdoing it or not giving much of an effort to tell the story but I think with what they have here is a great idea of a setting in the underworld of Hell, a fabulous place of miscreants, evil-doers and misunderstood lunatics and find a way to show that people have the good in them if they can find it no matter what and I think for what it is worth it is built on a great idea with many forms of potential. sure some can see it as feeling a little underwhelming but everyone feels like a critic now a days so it expected you will get that.

Story score: 8 

Guests and staff with their own tales

Of course with any old fable, there comes along those that are a part of it dear viewers and this story is full of the strange and colourful characters that fill these halls and rooms of the hotel and the 7 points of the underworld with many in varying forms and would love to give my full honest thoughts on it all, if you will enlighten me for a bit of your time. I will also say the case that this series has seen some drama as in between the series pilot and the full series on the streamers that they decided to change most of the cast with some big names and it did cause quite a stir but I think that either one works so to say, not getting too much into the drama so let us get to enlightening with the staff and guests.

Lets start with the sweet child that leads the pack of it all and that is the princess of hell herself of Charlie Morningstar. She has that sense of seeing the good in people and will do whatever it takes to prove that her idea can work and give all of those evil-doers a second chance and that they were just misunderstood when everyone around her thinks it is a bad idea or it will not work, but she will try her best to prove herself that she can prove that everyone deserves a 2nd chance or do whats right for the different realms. I got the sense of relatable feeling from this peppy like bean of having a clear vision that even as the princess of Hell who you think would take great pleasure in the torture of other sinners, she has a chirpy and loving attitude and wants the best for everyone and that is what I like about her and see myself in her as I would want to put the best for everyone and do whats right in a chirpy happy way (even if things can get you down and you can always get back up) and I hope we get more of her in the future with her relationship with her family and her love with the next charming character in the group.

and that comes with the bean puff's little girlyfriend of Vaggie. She would be the one that would support Charlie's ideas and goals and wants what's best for her and help her in many ways to avoid straight catastrophe while also dealing in the case of keeping some secrets of her own to not hurt those close to her and will make sure that no matter what in the ordeal that she will do anything to make Charlie Happy (how sweet). Sure she may not delve a lot of much besides being there for Charlie but I am sure we will get more of her in the new seasons to build on her more and develop her character and their relationship further.

Angel Dust
Now we talk on the most eccentric and most in depth of a character that we know about at this time in the series and this comes in the form of the eccentric, performative nature of one Angel Dust. Now this character is known from the very beginning as the most well established Adult film stars in this part of the underworld and will find any way possible of having a good time and up for anything and anyone. While we feel we could write them off as a one note character that is looking for finding themselves in bed with anyone, there is a more deeper scared character hidden underneath as we learn around the middle part of the first season of their toxic work life by the hands of one of the renowned members of the underworld with the V's (dashing characters that are a joy to tease, you see) and learn there is a lot more and we do see this grow more and more as with other characters of finding more of themselves, developing from one note to more established and I must praise with how they take a form of handling it but I will delve a little more into that when we get to talking on episodes (that section will not be as long as the last one as that one deserved to have just been spoiled for your own good where in this will be different and keep it to the vague storylines of those episodes) but all in all, what I was worrying was going to be a character I would be really annoyed by, turned into a favourite of mine and hope to see him more of building upon themselves in the upcoming seasons as he can really put on a show. Speaking of.

Let delve into discussing the meat of the piece and delve on the host with the distinctive voice as we delve to the radio demon of Alastor. Now this dashing fellow appeared at the door of the hotel near the end of the pilot and decided to make it their mission to get this insane idea into fruition and find a way to get a deal and plan out of it no matter the cost. Now this character is quite the mysterious, dangerous and unpredictable of the bunch as a lot of their history and origins remain a mystery (how quaint) but will have the powers to strike a deal that if crossed and betrays, will have their screams of the damned blared across the soundwaves of the 7 rings of Hell, so this is one demon you do not want to cross so to say. Something about this character is so intriguing from the vagueness of what they are, where they came from, where he was for over 7 years to suddenly appear again right in the middle of the land of sinners and I for one love that feeling of building concepts of how it will work out and learning more of the lore and mystery of this character going forward and how they will build a plan of total control or whatever they have planned but I for sure am loving to hear how this broadcast shall play out.

But if you think there is someone that may know everything or can sense to know it is always the most reliable from the Bartender and that can be said for the grump of Husk. He runs the Bar of the hotel and has quite the appeal to playing the cards for that fresh dough no matter how it comes to be and he seems to be the one that can read the tone that some have issues from the miniscule to the massive amount that you may not want to know. I heard the rumours and theories among the soundwaves and on the streets with the detizens that he may have been a form of spy or in a secret service that may tell how he could know everything, but those wires right now seem a little crossed, but from what it is worth I do appreciate the barkeep's hospitality through strange concoctions and his manner of grouchy asshole that has a softer side and help those in his own way (a piece I will discuss in the area of the show tunes) but I do really like his character and while near the back half he does not get much to do I do hope we see more from the favourite Barkeep down the line to lend an ear and pour some drinks.

Now we talk on another character that we also do not know a lot on but has a sense of a personality and that is the little clean freak of Nifty. This little bean is most associated with The radio Demon as he morphed her into existence and has the sense of loving to clean, is unhinged and is also loves the sense of pain but it is also the case that she is a smol bean that you would be a delight to have in your establishment. Sure we do not know a lot on her backstory as she would be more of a side character amongst the group we follow and like the Radio Demon in the dashing suit we don't know too much on her background as of yet but I am sure we shall learn of this smol bundle of chaos in due course but I like her presence so far.

Sir Pentious
Now we go to a character of a similar nature of experiencing quite the development over the course of this series of tales and that comes in the slithering menace of Sir Pentious. Seen as a form of overlord or hired weapon for the V's, this snake man is a master of a weapons arsenal and his army of cracked egg bois as his humble servants and how it starts with them being used as a spy for the enemy as well as mainly going towards the radio demon himself, he soon learns that he is being used for his idiocy and soon becomes misunderstood and will soon see him on a path of redeeming one's self and it is a case that while he may disappear here and there in the episodes, he does get some form of showing that spending time with some of those other colourful characters can help and show that everyone can have a second chance and while the outcome I do not want to spoil (cause I am not like that unless it is a point of this is not good) but I feel there is some chance of something unique on the way real soon for the next season so we will have to tune in for that one.

Now we have talked on the Princess, but I guess it means there is someone else that is running the show of the entire world around them and that of course the big boss of Hell himself of Lucifer. Now in many forms of literature, media and entertainment properties, ol Luci is quite the looming and unnerving presence that he is the one that runs the damned for eternity in a massive fiery hellscape and while yes he is still the big bad that runs the underworld, he has quite the issues and in this is quite the lovable little bean he is that connect to Charlie's dear little parental issues that she deals with and there is a case that we will see that case of her coming to terms a bit with that of her father and mother (the latter I am sure we will learn a bit more of in the future). He seems to have a sense of wanting to be there more for his daughter but has the worry that he is out of touch as well as being quite intimidated of the Radio Demon's more guardian type nature to the inhabitants of the hotel's establishment and builds to more of wanting to do what's best to be there for his daughter and hopefully we shall see more of this duck loving overlord as the series goes on.

And last of the focal characters that I will delve some time into before I give a quick explaining of all of those other detizens that don't have as big of a presence as the others but we shall talk on the one other major player in the groups and that is the characters that is not of the underworld but from the realm above who will come down now and again to cause some bloodshed as we are talking on the first man himself of Adam. Now if you had done some form of religious studies you know that this is the first creation of Man in that Garden and now this form is a lot different as he is a bit of a frat boy douchebag type that will be all up in your face and have that sense of not taking things seriously until things become serious or that it affects him and he works as a villain that you hope to see get his comeuppance in any form of way and I think that he has a decent presence to prove that the first man can turn out to be the first big asshat. I would also say that we may see more of the army of Executioners and his 2nd in command have more of a prominence as the time goes on but I guess we will have to see. 

The rest of the detizens
Now with all of those main center focus characters out of the way and given more a focus dear listeners, we still have a fair few that are more of a selective support characters that may not have as much of a presence as these characters and I shall give them a few opinions on them when I can

We start with the ones that have a few mentions and that is the overlords known as the V's that consist of Vox, Valentino and Velvette. These characters are more of a minor presence with the character with the most of an appearance is with Valentino who is the manager that has Angel on a leash of a contract and has some form of an appearance to the narrative they are building in the character development of Angel that I am sure we will get more of in the following seasons. Vox would be the other one with a bit of a grudge against the radio demon of Alastor of Radio vs Television and I am sure that battle will continue again later on but I am sure it will give all of the V's a presence and have them try and become primary antagonists on later stories

We then go above the surface to the land above the clouds as we talk on the characters of Seras and Emily, the high council leader and her daughter that sees the opinion of Charlie as a reasonable idea but can see the case that the idea may not work but it is always worth a try. They do not have much of a presence as of now only appearing in about 2 of the later episodes but I am sure with how the season ended it will have them appear in another form soon with the developing outcome.

the other focal character that has a form of connection with our dear Angel Dust with a chick with a bit of an attitude and a disrespect for fine craftsmanship of walls as we talk on another character introduced near the end with Cherry Bomb, now she appeared initially in the pilot and then we got more of a character focus in the 5th or 6th episode and appears till the end of the season and we see her as being disillusioned about him changing or hanging out with all of those colourful cast we talked about already and it is hard to put a point on the character as it is only starting elements to their development or getting to know them and it is a case of her getting a bit more fleshed out more in the future stories but for now, we can categorize her as so-so.

the second last character we learn about in the 2nd last episode of the season is the woman that runs the district of Cannibals, aptly dubbed Auntie Rosie who seems like quite the intriguing character as of the moment that while we only see her briefly in the last 2 episodes, am intrigued by her look and mannerism that I feel it is not the last we will see of her as she could be a helpful guide as to giving some background into the mysterious mystery and all the history of the Radio Demon but only time shall tell.

and lastly we have Mimzy....... she exists.

So this bring everything all together of all of the colour inhabitants of the 7 sectors of the giant pentagram of Hell and many of them are quite the appealing factors. Sure some may have some screws loose or missing parts in terms of giving them much of development but that is what is expected when it comes to making a series that sometimes you can build a character up more and more instead of dumping it all at once and where is the fun in that, no joy in knowing everything and feeling like a wet sponge of soaking up all the appeal. Sure some will build on what's established, some have created some new stories and others have a long journey ahead but I am certain that everything is quite an entertaining evening so far with a colourful cast of character that sure some would be appealing to know a little more or see more of but that all comes in due course and works well for those who wait dear viewers.

Characters: 8.5-9

Presenting the world of grim elements of the underworld

Now dear viewers, we delved into story and we talked the host of faces you'll see on your time in this fiery pit as now we shall talk on the basis of the actual Fiery Pit and what a fine little place it is. Granted we may not have seen all of the world so far and seen some small handful of locales like some of the streets, the locale of Cannibal town, the facilities of the V's and the Overlords and of course the place with the most character coming into focus with the hotel itself and all of the rooms, settings and places we see in this place below as well as above in the bright place of Heaven too and I will have to give it to the designers, that they have done a fabulous job of what has been shown off of this messy place of sinners and evil-doers with such life and misery that I must simply applaud them for their efforts. I am certain it is not the last of this place or all we have seen as I am sure we will still see a lot more in due time what with more content and seasons on the way (as well as from some connectiveness to another series this showrunner has been making for the last few years) but I wait in baited breath to see what she has to offer with everyone on board.

Can also be said about the lovely familiar faces in how they are represented in their designs and looks that help to distinguish them to know who is who and to praise for some that since its pilot to the release that some were given a slight change up in looks to give a more appealing aesthetic, especially to dear old Vaggie and Alastor as well as everyone getting some slightly more detailed changes in character outputs to feel more structure of line detail, shape and tone to show the difference of time, social to streaming and a big ol stack of cash will do to provide some new looks that keep it familiar but upgrade to the new and improved visual style and we can appreciate the look for them and makes me wonder will we see other designs and looks for the characters and other new or familair faces, I guess we must stayed tuned viewers.

Presentation: 10

writing the fables of these inhabitants and lands

Now viewer, I shall present an aspect that might be a slight bit on the weaker side and that comes in the form of some of the writing. Not to say the case that the writing is bad or anything, as I enjoy a lot of it, it mainly can come down to the worldbuilding and the lore that was presented briefly in the original pilot (a topic I will discuss when I get to episodes) that is really only mentioned briefly in an episode or 2 when compared to the other element about the overpopulation of Hell or the annual cleansing from the executioners. Now while I feel that it is early days and they wanted to tackle the basis of that first, I am sure that they will see a return to the focus of a power control of overthrowing certain overlords or higher points of power and take control but I am sure we will see it as the series continues. But what I will provide dear viewer is that their is some good bit of lore, stakes, humour, tone and use for character development and for moving the quick paced story (that sometimes can be a lot to handle at once but it happens in shows with styles like this) but I think overall it is still a valiant attempt 

Writing: 7-7.5

Everyone loves a good show tune

The last of the praise positives I will give is that they sure went all out with the use of their showtunes to really get people engaged in the music of the show where every episode of this 1st saga consists of 2 new tracks with added the original pilot has 18 tracks to shake your thing to. A lot of them have become a popular use especially some of my favourites of "Loser Baby", "Stayed Gone", "Hell's Greatest Dad", "Prepared for This", "Poison" and so many more. Sure some of them I may not be as familiar with or know the lyrics to and would provide a sing song to but I will leave them to some other videos (but it will cost you) and all in all I think that some are better then others but will need to listen to the soundtrack more to fully appeal of the love for all of them as I do for many of them already and look forward to any more in the near future.

Music: 9-10

Hell hath its problems, but only some

Now of course there comes a point that there can be some issues or problems, as not everything is perfect (unless you count the attempt of a review in this voice) and in most case this has some small nitpicks that you could squish with improvements overtime but we can get to talking on that here.

Story: Mainly on the story front has to do with some aspects feeling a little rushed and will also tack into the elements with the writing, but I think it can be expected that if trying to present a narrative in an 8 episode arc (back in the day there was a much larger number of episodes, some as high as 20) but I think that they worked in the confines of what they had in numbers.

Characters: if there is any complaint it is the likes of some characters that may get introduced a little late into the narrative in this season to really get to know them and then the likes of some of the established characters that we may know some elements on getting either sidelined in the latter half or not get too much in terms of development but then again I said having fully defined characters that we know everything about would make them pointless to be sticking around.

Writing: as I mentioned elements with the story on some aspects missing like the fight for control and some of it going by quick but I guess we gotta focus on one building narrative at a time and over the seasons or episodes piece them together to their conclusion, don't we folks.

Music: Small Nitpick, can agree on the certified the soundtrack slaps as I will need to listen to the tracks more to agree if all are great or some are here and there but that is a small nitpick of mine.

But that is really all I have to give on complaints, so now we shall wrap it up by telling how the series plays out (but in a non spoiler way as I am not like that, unless something is very bad)

brief description of the misadventures

So with this basis, I have went on long enough with delving into the practical side of things of talking the tech side of the foundations of a show, but now let us delve into talking on said show. Now this is not going to be like that "vile, hateful, selfcentered" series of a show I did last where I talked about the whole episodes cause they were not worth your time, but rather am going to do for you today dear listeners is I will delve on the aspects of going in depth on the opening episode (in this case of 2 of them with the pilot and episode 1 for just this occasion) and then I will give some briefest of descriptions for the other episodes, unless there is a episode I enjoy a lot and want to talk on why (something I know as one of the next shows I do will be getting some in depth discussions) so lets not waste too much time and get to starting where it all began

The Pilot
So we shall tell the story of it all with the tale that began the focus on this series and that was with the freely available pilot found right on the webpage known as YouTube where we were introduced to the main locale of the series with Hell itself. the focal point of the beginning of the episode is showing the denizens of Hell returning back to living their lives in pain and bloodshed as they delve into showing the aftermath of the most recent depopulation slaughtering from the executioners through a song of "I'm Always chasing Rainbows" sung by Charlie who we get glimpses at first before we get her personality a short bit later. Before we got to the main focus of the start of the episode we get introduced to another recurrent character in the form of Angel Dust who has been doing some "Hobbies" of his profession where while trying to source some nose candy get mugged, lose the contents and then end up in the midst of a battle for turf obtainment from Sir Pentious by teaming up with Cherry Bomb. While this is happening, we get properly introduced to Charlie and Vaggie who has come onto the set of 666 News for her to introduce her concept of the Hotel to redeem sinners that while is more nervous from talking normally, she kicks up a little ditty to say that "inside every demon is a rainbow" but gets belittled by the unsettling and slightly homophobic Newscaster of Katie Killjoy and co anchor Tom Trench, then mentions their first client of Angel Dust and has been clean for 2 weeks but then gets shown that has all gone downhill before there is tension in the studio and out in the turf before cutting to the 2 girls in the car with Angel and giving them an earful of making Charlie feel worse about her idea that can work.

At this point we get the first look of the hotel in its first state and it seems to be a bit of a disarray with boarded up doors, crates and appliances strewn across the room and most distinguishing aspects being the empty bar, some funky furniture and a rose glass printed door with some displays of some eyes and apples, where Charlie finds herself calling her Mom (instead of her dad) to see if there is any sign of her of needing help and feeling that her idea is a failure, that is until there is a knock at the door and we are introduced to the finely dressed Radio demon himself of Alastor, a name that is known of being a bit sinister with the 2 girls but a certain Adult star has never heard of em. Soon the demon offers a sense of wanting to help them make the place an attraction that will prove the idea is quite the most insane that it may just work. While The radio demon gives some insight for helping sweet little Charlie, Vaggie gives a bit of an extensive backstory about who he is about him being a sinister demon that appeared many years ago that brought control over the land that put him on the level of power as the overlords and if it is those that cross him then they will not see any chance of living long after and be taken and controlled with their soul taken and played across the airwaves of their tormented screams for all eternity (though Angel Dust see him as a simple strawberry pimp). So Charlie makes a deal with the demon (while not shaking on it of course) and soon Alastor works his strange powerful magic to spruce up the place and in the process brings in some new assistance in the form of little Chaos bean of Niffty and the grumpy drunkard barkeep of Husk from thin air. While it seems that some aspects are not fully on the positive outcome yet (as well as the basis of personal space) it all comes to a finish with a little fix up by the use of a little dark magic and a sing song, before it is rudely interrupted by Pentious and his ship but that gets cleared up in seconds leading to them creating the plans of getting the message out there before we end the pilot there with a slight name change to the hotel and a lingering aura to remind us to stay tuned.

Rewatching the pilot after all of this time is quite the interesting aesthetic as it shows that it has come along way with the likes of some more detailed designs and changes of how they looked in the beginning to where we will see now and I think it helped set the tone of what is to come in the future of content. Sure some elements of the plot like the turf war element may be lost in translation for the full pictureshow to come but most of the other elements of there but I am sure we will see it built upon in due time.

Pilot score: 8

Episode 1: Overture
So now we go from YouTube pilot to the picture show on the extensive streaming services as we jump to the Amazon official series and we will give this one a delving into and talking on what to expect from the series. So we start the episode with a bit of a backstory about the creation of the universe, Adam, Eve and the Kingdom of Heaven and how Lucifer became known as a fallen angel and soon found love from a woman named Lilith, the first woman and created the underworld of Hell while also explaining while the angels created a group of executioners to stop the sinners of Hell rebelling with an annual cleansing. We then are reintroduced to Charlie and Vaggie where we learn about the basis that her Mother Lilith has been missing for around 7 years now which also coincides with the radio demon of Alastor returning after a 7 year absence. Speaking of the Radio demon, he has made it an effort to create a form of video advertisement for the picture box to conjure up appeal for the concept but seems to have missed the mark and make it look worse. It then becomes a case of Vaggie trying to help make a proper advertising for the Hotel that is a bit more appealing and while this is happening, Charlie has gone off to the citadel of Heaven building, all through a sing song of "a happy day in Hell" before she enters the conference and introduced to one of the main antagonists of the series with Adam where he seems to shoot the breeze and waste time with his 2nd in command of Lute, when Charlie is looking to give her insight of her hotel idea.

While that is going on, Vaggie is trying to make a better ad with the inhabitants of the Hotel with some mixed results with Angel giving a bit too much, Husk not giving much and Niffty..... well, made the effort. So going back to the meeting, Charlie finally gets to give her insight for her hotel idea through the power of music and speeding through before she her song is overtaken by Adam in explaining that "Hell is Forever" and that things like this won't work and that now instead of returning in a year they will now be back for a cleansing in half that time in 6 months. Returning to the Hotel, Vaggie was ready to show the new commercial to Charlie before the ad is interrupted by the News Casters telling that the next execution is now closer by half a year. A part of the reason for the move up is possibly to do with her concept idea but the real truth is discovering that one of their executioners had been killed and is looking to find out how someone in hell had done so and plans to kill every single sinner with this next cleansing and this brings the episode to an end.

I think for a first episode, it sets up a solid concept, builds on one of the ideas from the pilot, brings us to the one that causes it and sets in stone of the dilemma that will be present for this ongoing season and it so far is a good solid entry. While some of the secondary story goes by quick and feels a little rushed with some pacing in both stoires, I think it is a very good starting episode for building on whats to come dear viewers.

Episode 1 score: 8-9

Episode 2: Radio Killed the Video Star

Now the next wave of episodes (unless one stands out as important) I will be giving some aspects of the plot for these episodes. So the general plot summary for this one is with the idea of being introduced to the characters of the Vee's, Valentino, the head of the adult film industry that has Angel under a threatening contract, Velvette a fashion designer with a bit of a sassy attitude and the head of the 3 of Vox, a demon with the power of controlling of Electricity, mind control through the power of advertising and new big shot of video over the old ways and things become a bit more of an unstable connection for Vox when he learns of the Radio Demon's return as being a somewhat threat (all done in the catchy track of "stayed gone") to the airwaves, which leads to them sending in someone to disguise as a sinner looking to redeem themselves who in the first half tried to destroy the building to rubble and this is in the form of Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois that while there is uncertainty at first, especially from Angel and a bit with Alastor, it is at first proven true before there is a chance of helping him to change his ways and all we know is that "it starts with Sorry". In all honesty it is a very decent episode, setting up characters for the later episodes and while 2 of them don't get much of a presence until near the very end as well as building on some character development for others (well mainly the likes of the snake boi) but still a good episode with some good music that be affected by later episodes for underusing some other antagonists.

Episode 2: 7-8

Episode 3: Scrambled Eggs
Now episode 3 would be to me and others as somewhat of the weakest episode of the 1st season of not adding too much substance, while having some good ideas in there as well. The main focus of this comes in the form of 2 stories with the A plot focusing on the Hotel's guest and crew with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Niffty and Sir Pentious learning on the basis of trust and bond for one another as things can be a little on edge (especially with not fully trusting Sir Pentious at the moment) with some varying forms of success or outcome. Meanwhile with the B plot, Alastor has been assigned by Vaggie to do something about Pentious Egg Bois which he uses as some henchmen as he is invited to a meeting by Zestial of all of the overlords with it run by him and Carmilla Carmine, the overlord of Hell's weapon supplies. After a bit of a dispute of the heads of the meeting and Velvette (over a tune of "respectless") about the dead Executioner head they have, it is discovered that Carmine may have been the one to have killed it but it is not explained how yet. In the end there is some info to take for future episodes and on the other plot sees them seeing some building bond with everyone in the hotel before the episode ends there. Overall while it is not a bad episode and is still quite good with 2 good songs (with the other being "whatever it takes") it can be a bit of an imbalance of the crew doing a bit of some hijinks and misadventures at the hotel while some plot continues with the Alastor plot but still will not say it is a bad episode.

Episode 3: 6.5-7.5

Episode 4: Masquerade

Now I will give a little warning that I will give a bit more of an in depth discussion on this episode and it does contain themes of Sexual violence, so be a bit warned.

Now this episode has been labelled as the most liked of the season and series so far as it delves into some more mature themes but also gives the most of character of fan favourite of Angel. Now as mentioned in a previous description, Angel is under the control of Valentino to work for him in countless Adult Films and it is a case that it has brought a sense of annoyance for Charlie of wanting him to help in the running and proving the hotel is a good idea. She goes to the studio and tries to get Angel back by talking with the director and being quiet on the set and things fall apart. It then leads to Angel being assaulted by Valentino reminding him that he has control of his soul and then makes him Get rid of Charlie and forced to undertake extensive filming and abuse from the V and the other participants (all shown from a montage to the song of "poison").

This leads to Angel returning to the hotel and have a bit of an argument with Husk relating back to a discussion from the start of the episode that had him mention that a certain adult film Angel did involving an interrogation scene was unrealistic and the basis that he can read a person of some of their issues (Charlie having daddy or parential issues, Vaggie hiding a secret of her past, Sir Pentious has a bit of a complex mindset and you do not want to know about Niffty) and send Angel off in a bad mood after calling him "Fake". With Vaggie trying to make her sweet Charlie feel better, she send Husk off to go get Angel before something bad happens and it does happen when he stops him from getting drugged with a spiked Drink. While continuing the form of an argument they get to the reason of a dark reason that Angel lets Valentino beat him until he is broken and ruined so he will not be needed anymore and leave him alone. Husk then gives his own side that he is like Angel with trapped with a deal he made with the Radio demon himself to keep his power that connects to his addiction to gambling and soon share a bond with this through one of my favourite tracks of the show with "Loser, Baby", before they are jumped by the gang in the bar before they deal with them and form a friendship, they return to the Hotel where Angel makes amends with Charlie and all is well with that wrapping up the episode. Now this episode I will agree is a great episode as it is interesting to learn more on the development of Angel as well as with Husk as we had not given much into his background and I enjoy this new found friendship (and might I say dear listeners that it has formed quite the mighty shipping on that information superhighway) and I appreciate them tackling a very serious topic in its own way that doesn't shy away from it but talks on it and give it some praise and hopefully we will see more of these devilish demons in later stories.

Episode 4: 9-10

Episode 5: Dad Beat Dad
Speaking of devilish fellows, episode 5 brings in the introduction of the big boss of Hell himself with Lucifer who you think will be some sinister man but in reality is a small little sugar lump with a love for rubber ducks. In this episode Charlie is stressing about trying to make the idea work and finding a way to get another meeting with the kingdom above that it leads to her deciding to get her Dad's help, who has been a bit of a recluse as well following Lillith's disappearance and in the form of a depressive state that has made his relationship with his daughter a little strained. He makes his presence to the Hotel and learns of her ideas and wants to help as best he can to show that he is "Hell's Greatest Dad" though he seems to be focused of budding heads with the Radio Demon and feeling a little bit awkward with her daughter but want to try his best to help her with her idea. At the same time of them song fighting along comes another unexpected guest that does not add much to the story and that is with the character of Mimzy who may be here looking for help from The radio demon and it is brought up to him to Husk who nearly gets taken out by the demon for questioning his power or owing a debt to another (something that will be brought up later probably). While that goes on, the reason for Mimzy's appearance becomes clear as she has messed with the wrong group of Loan Sharks but they are taken care of very quickly with the assistance of Alastor and then Mimzy is told to leave, ending her appearance for this season. Meanwhile Luci feels a bit uncertain of her plan as he sees sinners as being unreasonable to change but he soon see's that Charlie has good intentions, they reconcile in showing he care for her "more then anything" in the 7 circles and makes it a deal to set up a meeting with those upstairs and that ends the episode. Now while it has a lot of moving parts, it does bring in some appealing aspects like seeing Lucifer in this form, a bit of some lore to the mysterious well dressed Radio Demon and building to the upcoming threat. Sure it is taken aback by the appearance of a character that is just placed in for adding another form of a side story that doesn't give much of the other characters anything to do but still a decent episode of a watch all the same.

Episode 5: 8-8.5

Episode 6: Welcome to Heaven
so this episode will see Charlie, accompanied by Vaggie up to the pearly gates as they are "welcomed to Heaven" and she has a meeting with the head of discussion of Seras about her concept of redeeming sinners with her hotel to get them into heaven, all while dealing with the return of the leader of the executioners of Adam and Lute trying to prove that there is not a sign of that working, which may be true but they can try as "they didn't know" about these yearly cleansings. Meanwhile back in the underworld, we see the return of a character from the pilot in the form of Cherry Bomb appears and helps Angel to prove how much he has changed and improved since starting this process with the others at a bar with Husk, Niffty and Pentious (who has become smitten with the pyrotechnic) and show there is some redeeming aspects of him standing up against his boss and showing signs of a positive change when Cherry may be trying to get him back to his old self and in the process of all this there is back and forth, a secret is revealed and a concluding threat that they will be there real soon, ending the episode there. Now another one that has some revealing aspects and decent concepts with building on the development of Angel and some with the other characters that I feel works to some extent can build to the threat in the end being a lot more bigger. Sure some of the aspects can feel a little mixed and the tracks in this episode are a bit here and there, it is still an enjoyable episode that has some connective repercussion for how the season will conclude.

Episode 6: 7-8

Episode 7: Hello Rosie
So now we reach the penultimate episode that has some quite decent set up build for the upcoming finale that will see us introduced to one more character that has spawned a bit of a popular favourite online in the form of Aunt Rosie, the head honcho that runs the district of Cannibal who will help Charlie with the assistance of Alastor in her side of saving Hell from the upcoming cleansing by gathering an army of Cannibals to help that in a form of Song (as well as dealing with Susan) in hoping that everyone will be "ready for this". Meanwhile on the other side of things, Vaggie wants to make it up to Charlie for lying to her by going to Carmine and learning about how they can kill an executioner as she learned it from one of the egg bois (which also gave a quite funny joke) and leads to her being trained in how to fight back again and save their home "out of love" and build to a climatic battle in the following episode. While this could've ended up being messy, it does balance it off well with them building to the finale and both sides are intersting approaches to the story that pay off. Most complaints I can give is that some of the other side characters are absent for this episode as it is more focused towards Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor but I am sure they will be used more for them all together in the final stand.

Episode 7: 8-8.5

Episode 8: The show Must Go On
Now it is time to wrap up these episodes with the final confrontation as the forces of Hell led by Charlie, Vaggie and the rest of the guests and Crew of the Hotel, set up against the army of the Heavens above in saving the lands from a total bloodbath and decimation and having a way to stop the executioners and is full of action, excitement, likable character development, great songs with "more then anything" getting a reprise as well as the "finale" song being a bit of a reprise to Happy day in Hell all in a final outcome to see who will be victorious, the aftermath of the battle and where will this story lead to now in the coming seasons or episodes in the future, Only time will tell dear viewers. Now I would delve into some of what happened in this episode but as I said I did not want to give many spoilers and this one does have a fair amount of spoilers as I would say it is worth a check out yourself instead and all the better as some elements of how this ends lead into intruiging aspect for season 2. Is there some problems, sure it can feel a bit quick with this confrontation and maybe some aspects of characters feel slightly underused but I think for what it is worth it does end off well on a high not for a conclusion to a starting season and look forward to more.

Episode 8: 8.5 - 9

And that is the full breakdown or form of breakdown for the 1st season to the series that I will give for this time and I can tell that some love and energy can be put into this project and well made. Sure they are not all perfect with elements feeling lacking in some episodes compared to others and maybe some minor aspects about what was established in the pilot may be lost in this season but I will see how it build to it with upcoming projects and hopefully will work itself out overtime to make it one of the better shows of recent memory to glue your looking orbs to.

Episodes rankings and total
Pilot: 8
Episode 1: 8 - 9
Episode 2: 7 - 8
Episode 3: 6.5 - 7.5
Episode 4: 9 - 10
Episode 5: 8 - 8.5
Episode 6: 7 - 8
Episode 7: 8 - 8.5
Episode 8: 8.5 - 9
Total: 70 - 76.5/90 or 7.8 - 8.5/10

Happy day in Hell or a lost in signal

In conclusion, what started as a concept all those years ago from a young animator with an idea morphed its way to a very popular tester pilot all the way to a concluding full series that came along and proved with enough faith and hope that it will all work out in the end to a series that has proven itself to be quite the success from a interesting story built from lore and interesting characters that have some intruiging development or some yet to come will all come together something and fun and interesting to watch. Does it have its problem, by certainly it does dear listeners as most things do as things can be a little mixed in the concept and execution that can be fixed upon with future endeavors, but don't deny it, it will be worth another visit for a fun happy day in hell real soon.

Final score
Story: 8
Characters: 8.5 - 9
Presentation: 10
Writing: 7 - 7.5
Music: 9 - 10
Episodes: 7.8 - 8.5

Total: 50.3 - 53/60 or 83.83 - 88.33% or B+/A-

Well dear viewers that was quite a swell show that we had and brings it to an end, if you enjoyed this little chit chat and like to hear more from me then please go on the interwebs and tell me your thought and would love to hear your own opinions of this little ditty of a show there too. Until next time dear viewers, a reminder to stay being wonderful people, have a great day everyday, keep being you and don't forget to smile :)

Take Care and Signing off,
Sam H


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