Argylle Review: The Greater the Spy, the bigger the lie

In the world of the media zeitgeist, it can seem like many types of entertainment can be seen as a mix of adding more and more to the growing themes like many body swap films, Horrors with relations back to childhood concepts or fears into the adolescence, or the idea of think pieces about modern societal issues masked in dramas, thrillers and even some comic book iterations. But one aspect I have seen get a lot of new concepts and ideas being brought into the mix is the basis of films or shows about spies and secret or special agents. This is seen from the extensive franchise from James Bond 007, the more gritter tone of the Bourne films, secret undercover elements of the Americans and even to the one of taking itself seriously while making jokes about the genre or types of media with the Kingsman Franchise and this is where we see ourselves today talking on the new film from the director of that franchise of films as we have a new film with a unique concept approach to this known as Argylle. 

Now this is unique in the form that it is based on the growing aspect of adapting a concept off a book, series, video game and even the likes of story from Twitter (one that worked and one I wished never was made) but in this case it is based on a book that only released at the beginning of this year by an author known as Elle Conway and is someone that we do not know anything about or from past work as this seems like a possible first novel for the author and it has been a mystery of itself of who wrote this novel (with some even saying that it was music superstar of Taylor Swift but the verdict is still out) and this is a novel morphed into a film about espionage, Twists upon twists, Odd choice haircuts and even an adventure with a cat. But the question remains about wondering if this is any good? While I can say that it is an enjoyable watch and has some things that I like for it to be a good film to me, it does have its issues as some of the recent spy films this director has made but I will delve into them here.

The story unwinds, the many twist you come by

Now the likes of these films or media pieces that involve some form of espionage will have a dashing protagonist, fancy attire, flashy cars, dastardly villains and all of that form of action and explosions and romance in there as well and while there is aspects of it there, this is a little bit of a different story with a lot to tell and the basis of the plot for this is mainly going on as follows:

"Reclusive author Elle Conway writes best-selling espionage novels about a secret agent named Argylle who's on a mission to unravel a global spy syndicate. However, when the plots of her books start to mirror the covert actions of a real life spy organization, the line between fiction and reality begins to blur"

Now the concept idea of building the element of the real world novel and using it as a basis for a structure to the world of espionage that sees fiction become reality seems like a really "novel" idea (I will see myself out for that bad pun) and it can work well for the basis of a plot structure and focus that it can be entertaining. The one element I can see as being a little bit more uncertain is more on the likes of as I mentioned that this film likes to apply the twist and not just one, but rather a twist after twist after twist that it can become a little too much to wrap your head around sometimes, but it does resolve some of them soon enough and some will be added to it so while it can be a decent concept, some of the twists can make it a little tangled by the end but there is a little wiggle room to get out of it

Story: 6-7

Every agent has a role in the field 

Now with any of this big budget film or concepts to help make the plot move along, you of course need a selective group of characters to bring the appeal to the masses and this film has quite the cast. Now some of them may have more minor roles then others but for the basis of this review I am going to delve into a select few to give an indepth look into and then will give a roundup of some of the others in the end, so lets meet the team of agents in the field

Elle Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard)
So we start with the main focus character of the plot and that comes from the woman that is writing in motion and is with Elle Conway. In a meta sense form, Elle is the author of the novel in the real world and the world of Argylle and has been proven quite the successful author at that. She is a bit of a recluse, introverted with the love of writing and of her Cat Alfie (a character that has a vast presence in this film and marketing and has some use and is not overly unbearable) and it seems she is finding herself with a writer's, reviewers, Long essay writer or blogger's worst pet peeve, the Writers block as she can't seem to finish her last novel with a good ending. Soon travelling to her mom, she'll find herself in the crosshairs of the next character we will discuss of Wilde, a lot of bad guys and her becoming entangled in all of this and could be the case that she may be more connected to all of this then at first glance. Now in all forms I think that Elle here for the most part is the vessel for the audience to become acquainted with being thrown into the world of espionage and for what it is worth it does help to have a crutch to go on for this and I do think that she is an enjoyable protagonist. Sure some elements near the end see her get a bit caught up in the twists with her character in general but it comes to the basis that it is the likes of going along for the ride with her and I think for what it is worth she is a likable character to help bring that appeal. 

Aidan Wilde (Sam Rockwell)
Now lets talk our real life agent in the field and that comes in the form of Aidan Wilde. Now we are introduced to this person when Elle is on the train travelling to her parents for help with her writers block and soon discovers, this hairy fellow sat himself down in front of the author for no concernable reason but rather it becomes clear that he is here to save her and leads to him taking out out of danger and to find the answers of unveiling everything she has been writing has been very scarily accurate to the missions of the real Argylle and need her help with tracking down an important object from falling into the wrong hands. Now the first opinions of the character was the basis that he will have the tropes of a bit of a cocky big shot agent and become a bit of an annoyance but surprisingly he does not act like that at all but rather becomes a very appealing dynamic of him and Elle and are the most appealing characters in the film once they have found themselves stuck in this whole espionage fiasco together and he has good intentions and I am sure that along the way they may find solace in getting jumped, shot, attacked, blown up and every other way of death could bring them together in many ways but I guess it comes down to how things turn out in the end. 

Agent Argylle (Henry Cavill)
Now let us talk on the title character of the film itself and that is of course agent Argylle. Now he is seen as you dashing James Bond style character with a charismatic charm, fancy suits and expertise in getting close with the enemy (or the ladies), with some questionable opinions mainly to do with the decision of the hairstyle but we will not delve into that much. Now we see some of their adventures throughout the story of how they are on the mission to stop the group known as The Division (could that be Ubisoft cause they may be taking themselves down) from obtaining control over something but what that is, is the mystery. Now the moments we see this hulking swole man show his moves to prove that he would work well as the famous British spy is evident in a few aspects throughout and I would delve more into the concept of his character but for that it is leaning into more spoiler territory and also relates to the main narrative as one of the twists (and don't want to be spoiling this in general), bit for what it worth I do like this character and feel in some sense hope to see more of them in this as they are in it for a fair amount but also feel a little underused if that makes sense but lets not delve too much into that for now.

Director Ritter (Bryan Cranston)
The last of the focal characters that I will give a bit of a discussion to is essentially our main big bad of the film and that is with the Divisions Director of Ritter. Now he has the basis of a man that wants total control of the entire globe and will stop at nothing to make sure that is what he gets, no matter who he may have to take out or kill to do so. Now he has some presence but then again he also doesn't appear that much for a fair bit of the start of the film, once I say we are brought into the proper real world espionage is when they start to make a presence more known and again, I also don't want to delve too much as if I do it will go into spoilers (I realize that a fair bit of this film is difficult to talk about without trying to give spoilers but will try my best to do so) but I think that he is serviceable as an antagonist and does his job and acts well, could've given a bit more to do but in a story with many twists, serviceable works just as well.

Minor operatives of the field
Now these I would say are some of the more bigger players of the film but there is a select few others that I want to touch on as much as I can with some opinions on their characters and give each some quick thoughts of these players:

we'll start with the agents partner in crime with Wyatt, in this played by John Cena. Now he would be the equivalent of a Q for Argylle as a form of a tech and hacker form but would also be fine with getting his hands dirty of breaking bones and bruising baddies. Now compared to Argylle, he has a more minor presence but it is a tolerable amount and I would wish he was in it more but maybe in some possible continuations we could see more of them but I guess we'll have to see how that turns out.

Next in this group of minor character discussion is with Elle's Mom Ruth, played by Catherine O'Hara. Ruth is the one that would be the biggest supporter of her daughter's novels but is also the cause for Elle's writers block due to the likes of her feeling the ending is not that great or feels inconclusive and leaves too many unanswered questions which may seem suspicious but you can get that sometimes of having reliable and hopefully constructive criticism from siblings or family members and she does have some appearances here and there in this film that help with some moral support here and there but I think she is a decent character for this film all the same.

Surprisingly appearing in another spy based project from the same director as him playing a villain with a lisp is Samuel L. Jackson as the character of Alfie (yes there are 2 characters in this film named Alfie and. Now we meet him a bit into the film as someone that helps Wilde as the eye in the sky to some degree and it is a case that we learn from this person a fair few big reveals but again, will not delve into that at all. He does not have much of a screen presence in this and appears in a few small scenes here and there towards the back half of the film but he's an alright addition and would've liked to seen more of him but I guess they could use him for some later projects but will have to see how that outcome goes.

And wrapping up some characters with a bit of a focal appearance is with an acting debut for a famous musician with Dua Lipa playing the character of LaGarange. Now she would be the equivalent of a Bond girl in this film for agent Argylle in being someone that may have some secret intentions but also becomes charmed by the agents prowess. One thing I am surprised by from seeing this film is that she is not in this as much as I was expecting going off of the advertising for this with a focus on her character for a fair chuck, but I guess most stars can start off small but for what it is worth I don't think her first role based performance is awful and is fairly decent at most (she has one other performance in Barbie in a small cameo role but we'll delve into that more in the review when I get to it). It would be nice to have seen her more in this film and show how well she could perform but I am sure there is plenty of opportunity for this young woman to have a role in the future.

Overall the likes of the characters in the film can vary and feel a little bit mixed. There is some good performances from some great cast in here that can be a little let down from the likes of the amount of screen time they may have in the project that could've worked their way into have more development for some (a few I have given a minimal on but again I mention, not to delve much into them without too much spoilers) but some get a fair amount and appeal a lot that it helps keep it a float for the most case but overall I think some great casting choice and some interesting characters with some I feel deserve a little more of a screen presence

Characters: 6 - 6.5

Missions that can expand the globe

Now it is a case that for many form of spy films they usually have a globe trotting style adventure that would see some vast locations and settings that could be appealing as well as mixing in some set pieces that will stick with people afterwards. I do like the approach of a bit of a mix of travel from the scenic wilderness, to the streets of London to a few more remote scenic locales of Europe and beyond and that it can appeal more of having some new set dressing that is nice to look at and will not for the most part distract from the main plot. I do give credit it is nice to see that look and reminds me of some elements of the directors work of the kingsman films with their more grounded street approach at first to global threat (mixed with a bit of some over the top goofy style action set pieces like a battle using coloured smoke and other elements) and I think how it works is done well.

As on the basis of its respect to the source material, while I have mentioned that this is based on a novel that had only just came out a few weeks before the film would hit the screen and I have yet to start the novel, but I have seen the case that the book has a mix of appeal from the characters and their development with a little mix of putting too much and also baiting a sequel but I mean that what happens from a debut novel from an author that may or may not exist but it is hard to say and that putting too much can be seen a bit with this film but I think it helps to balance it out and I am sure if down the line when I read it and will see if it feels close to what they mean but having a bit of substance can work

Presentation: 7-8

Writing it down in a brief, puns may vary

One element that I can give a fair bit of some focus discussion to is with the likes of the writing to the film that I find it a case that at first it does seem to make sense of some elements that we are reading the bits of an authors work played out in motion and for elements with the plot kicking into motion. I find it a case that once it gets to delving into the handling of twists upon twists, is where it can feel a fair bit confusing from trying to make sense of the dialogue or reveals and everything that it can feel a little messy in there, but some bits find a way to give a reason back to talking on it in a structured form and for what it is worth it does work out well in a ok way that while a bit messy can then find some ways to tie some sensical content down.

Writing: 5.5 - 6

Some tunes to get in the action mood

if there is one thing I like from the film is a fair bit with the soundtrack as it helps to bring a fair bit of pizazz with some elements of some recognizable songs placed here and there throughout the film like the Let's Dance from Bowie, Run from Leona Lewis, the newest final Beatles song of Now and Then and even a new track from film star Ariana Debose with Electric energy and work for certain scenes (with the Run song working well with a fun little action set piece). A fair few of the tracks work for the feeling of some up stakes spy mission for the locales and scenes and there is a hint of the classic feel of the Kingsman score mixed in there too and I think it does work well. Sure some bits can be a little here and there but not every piece of score or track will appeal but I think for what it is worth, it does fit a fair tone that appeal to some level of appeal.

Music: 8-8.5

A couple of grazes that could leave a wound

Now of course like a lot of films and projects there is always going to be some issues and complaints to come from these projects and this film of course is no exception with it of course having its own issues that could've been improved to my own opinion of course (others may have their own opinion for it too) and I will give my own complaints for the point here now:

Story and Writing: Now both of these I want to put together as they have a mix of 2 aspect issues that I would have with this issues and that can be an element of the twist upon twist concepts. The Idea of the story is really interesting and some of the writing helps to make it appealing and work in that favor that it can be a bit mind numbing to try and get your head around all of the twists at once as they add a new one shortly after the most recent one and they add a few more here and there that sometimes work and sometimes can be a bit of whiplash. If given a bit of time to structure out the ideals of the twists better it may help it that slight bit more but when making a concept like this, it is bound to become muddled with the idea buried under the interesting concepts.

Characters: Mainly on some elements, it does to the affect that some of the characters like I mentioned are a bit of a mixed bag with a mixed amount in screen time from some getting some good performances out of it on the length of performance and some that I feel could've gotten more screentime (some I would elaborate on but I feel I will not spoil it for the points of this review) and I feel some could've gotten more of a presence but it is not too many of them with the issue.

Presentation: I feel a little bit of the elements I would bring down a bit is the element of the runtime and maybe on some elements of the set pieces. First on the runtime, the film can be a lot to balance, especially in the likes of the amount of content you are placing in the project that it can be a lot to tackle, even in a film that is just under 2 1/2 hours that it is a lot to still wrap up that some elements of it can be rushed and some given more focus then others. As on the set piece, it comes to the affect that some elements work like the opening scene, the train escape and some elements at the end of the film that I feel maybe one other one in the middle of the film to add to it it may have added more to the concept but I think that there is a fair amount of action pieces that maybe one or 2 needed a little added substances but its a small nitpick.

Music: Mainly a small nitpick, some tracks can be here and there but it is not a major complaint on the likes of the music as some are better then others and some could have been changed but it is not a major concern.

Mission successful or tangled in a trap?

In the end of it all, while it may not be the most structured of spy flicks and can be a lot to manage and a bit all over the place, I can still say personally I enjoyed the film for what it is of a spy flick with a interesting concept that can have its goofy concepts but also be entertaining for the content it provides. Sure it is not the best and can be bogged down a little with the heavy amount of twists and turns and can lead you to getting your head feeling fuzzy, I still enjoy the film for what it is worth of a new action spy film that sometimes you can take serious and sometimes be worth to turn the brain off and have fun for a bit of time. I wouldn't mind seeing a new entry in this series in the future, whether a sequel or a tv series but it may be affected by reception and its poor box office, but I enjoyed it none the less and if interested I would say to check it out for yourself.

Final scores
Story: 6 - 7
Characters: 6 - 6.5
Presentation: 7 - 8
Writing: 5.5 - 6
Music: 8 - 8.5
Total: 32.5 - 36/ 50 or 65 - 72% (around C+ to B-)

Now I hope you enjoyed listening to my opinion on this film in particular and I would like to know your own thoughts that if you have watched this film yourself whether in the cinema or on streaming of your own opinion of the movie, did you like it, hate it, indifferent on it? let me know your opinions and thoughts below yourself in the comments. As always, I hope you all stay being wonderful people and have a great day every day doing many great things and I will see you all in the next piece :)

Take Care, Keep Being you, signing off
Sam H


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