Weird Mind News Room Episode 63: May 6th - 12th

 *music for the kingdom for apes*

Hello there everyone of all genders, identities and everything in between to the newest edition of my weekly series of Weird Mind News Room where this week we will be delving into some of the newest releases of this weeks, a few trailers and some news stories for this week and we will be delving into all of that in this weeks edition and lets get to talking on it.

New releases of the new generation

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

What a wonderful day indeed for a new generation of the world of advanced species as for the first new release and the big release of this week we are heading generations into the future to delve into the new entry of the film about smart primates with the new film of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Now this film is set in the same timelines as the recent reboot trilogy and set 300 years after War and follow a world where Apes have evolved and use the basis of human technologies and cultures that the prophet ape had taught, while the remnants of the humans have resorted more to a feral state. When a colony of apes is captured by a powerful ruler of Proximus Caesar who twists and warps the teachings of the past, a young ape named Noa will go on a journey with a human woman named Mae to help rescue his colony and in the process determine the future for Human and Apes alike. Now the reception on this film like the previous entries has been very well recieved from the respect and continuation of the story, the visuals, cinematography and the continuing story for the future of this saga, with some critiques with some plot being a bit generic. Now I have seen it as well at the premiere earlier this week and have to agree it is a great entry in the series after being worried with the director change but I would recommend the film for sure  (and the review will be along soon) and if you want to check it out yourself you can catch the new film now in cinemas.

Hades 2 (early access)

Now on the gaming side of things for this week, we are delving into the world of gods and mortals and hacking and slashing your way through the underworld as after a bit of anticipated wait we now have the early access to the sequel to Hades. In this new game, you play as Melinoe, Princess of the Underworld and sister to the first games protagonist of Zagreus, you will go on a quest to defeat Chronos, the Titan of Time, with the aid of the other gods of Olympus. Now even in an early access form the game has still been garnering some very well recieved reception with praise to the continuation to what made the original such a beloved game with the new additions being a great new addition and if you want to try it out yourself then you check out the newest version now on early access on PC.

Little Kitty, Big City

And the last of the new releases of this week is something that will be a little peace of comfort with the focus of an adorable feline protagonist  as we have the new game of Little Kitty, Big City. In this new game, you will take on the role of a little black cat who ends up get themselves lost in the big city where it is your quest to get them home. Now the reception has been well recieved with praise for the graphics, customization and peaceful little adventure, with some critiques on the camera controls and functions, but if you want a new game with an adorable new kitty then you can play this new game now on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Series X/S and PC.

Trailers with an upgrade

Despicable Me 4
So we start off the newest trailers for this week with a film that I am surprised has had a very minimal amount of advertising for when you think the film would've had the entire movie shown in marketing by now but they seem to be reducing it down lately as we have the newest trailer for the newest film of Despicable Me 4. So this new film will see Gru being at a good point in their life with A loving wife, 3 young Gorls and now a new son in the form of Gru Jr, as well as a job at the AVL with some of his small yellow henchmen. However that peace becomes compromised when supervillain Maxime Le Mal has escaped from prison and wants vengeance against Gru and soon will have to go into hiding to protect his family from danger. Now the focus of this trailer is more on the Minions then on Gru and this reveals a concept that was actually spoiled about 2-3 weeks early from a Lego Set that shows off some of the Minions getting a few powerful additions (which adds to the list of films spoiling key moments from Lego sets) but I hope that it is a decent film and not just the likes of a bit of a cash grab but I am sure we will find out more when this film releases into cinemas on July 12th.

Now if you have been living where I have been and noticed a bit of good weather, then this film is probably something you would not want to see it turn into very quickly as we have recieved a new trailer for the newest entry of a reboot slash sequel to the mid 90s Storm disaster film of strong winds with Twisters. This new film will follow Kate Cooper who after a terrifying encounter with a Tornado is lured back into the open fields by her friend to test out a groundbreaking new tracking system. She soon crosses paths with storm chaser Tyler Owens and they soon find themselves mixed with each other and in a fight for survival when the storm season they find themselves in sees a massive amount of systems converging over central Oklahoma and must find a way to save millions of lives. Now I have seen the original film a fair while ago and it is a decent film and hopefully the likes of the film will bring back the vibe of a classic 90s disaster action film and we will see how that turns out when the new film releases into cinemas on July 19th.

A Quiet Place: Day One
Now the final trailer for this week will have to bring a bit of silence to a new and dangerous threat to the world as we have recieved an all new trailer for the upcoming prequel spin off to the series of A quiet Place with Day One. This new film Will not be set in the rural wilderness but now set in the massive bustling city of the Big apple and follow the journey of Sam as she must survive with a man named Eric when strange bloodthirsty alien creatures with bulletproof skin crashes onto the planet and soon it will be a fight for survival to escape the city while showing the reason why the world went Quiet. Now I really enjoyed the first 2 films in the series with an interesting idea and it is intriguing to see a new perspective of how the events of this invasion looked like from a massive city setting (and maybe as a way to explain where they came from) and I am excited to check this out myself with this new film releasing very soon on June 28th. 

News to bring some hope

The man of Steel is suiting up
so we start off the week of news stories with some of the news that will have us looking to the sky as we talk on the Man of Steel himself. Now as we are all aware, we do know the likes of their being a new Superman in the work that is being directed by James Gunn and starring the young David Corenswet as the symbol of hope. Now we had not seen much on the project apart from the one image of the chest logo for the film and many had wondered when we would see the suit or the man in full, but thankfully it seems that the call has been answered. On Monday of this week, Gunn and David's social medias were brought to attention across the interwebs when they unveiled the first look at the suit for this new Superman, as he is taking his time to put his boots on while devastation is going on outside by an unknown force. Now besides him letting a city be left in chaos, we can focus on the suit and it seems to be going for a more classic look and feel to the more bright and hopeful style of yesteryear and going back to the look with the red pants over the suit to give it that look and I believe it is a little inspired by the suit of the recent Adult Swim Superman series as well as the Kingdom Come or all star superman storyline look. Now I think that it does like a great suit, though of course I have seen some complaints, one being on look and the other from a group that will call it cheap compared to what came before. Now the basis of the first bit is that they say the suit looks a little loose on him like he is not that bulky (which was then went away when David posted a pic of him being swole) but it is a case it makes sense for him to look a little less bulky as if you can expect Kal-el to blend in to society that you can have some muscle but still look normal or less suspicious working for a Newspaper company so I think he looks well. The other group of course is the excessive Die hard fans of Snyder who say that it looks like a cheap suit or something from the CW (even though the Superman and Lois suit still looked pretty good) and will say does not have as much of a flair as Cavill's but I say it is too quick to judge on that basis alone and to give it time to show their performance (then again they were also the same to Battinson and still are which I think is dumb). But to me I do think this suit looks really great and hopefully it will get the tone and feel right for the character similar to the 70s films or some of the comics of his symbol of hope but I am sure we will see more as the development comes along before next years release.

But what are your thoughts on the suit itself and do you like it or are indifferent about it and which hero's suit would you hope to see next? Let me know your thoughts on both of those down below in the comments.

Switch 2 may have a method of lasting longer on the go and be revealed soon
Now we are going to have a brief update on some tech news and in this case we are talking on the tech news in relation to the upcoming successor to the Nintendo Switch. Now it has been a minute since we have talked about the console but we did get some news this week as well as some more spec rumours for the upcoming system as well as related news to confirm some info. So on the basis of the news for this week it was confirmed by the President of Nintendo that we will be seeing an unveiling of the actual hybrid console successor sometime within this fiscal year so we will be seeing an unveiling between now and the end of March 2025, with other elements of rumours that the console may release within the next fiscal year but that last point is currently speculation. It also came to be the case in the same news announcement that we will be getting a new Nintendo Direct sometime next month but have confirmed that their will be no unveiling of the console at that but rather focus on new releases for the latter half of this year for the Switch so I find that reasonable (but I feel they could be a simple tease at the very end of the direct).

Now the one other piece of news is related to some specs on the upcoming console with some elements we know is so far is that it is aiming for another hybrid console, the screen will be much larger but be a standard LED screen (with an OLED form coming sometime soon), it could be as powerful to the likes of a previous generation console of the high end Playstation and Xbox (probably not the newest consoles) as well as a projected price, and the basis the joy-cons may be connected by the likes of a magnet type feed. But now the newest edition of the console of specs concerns one of the major issues people had with the original switch and that was Battery life. You see while in handheld and playing some big games like Zelda or Witcher or similar to it, one of the major noticable affects was that the battery life in handheld would only be about 4-6 hours in length which seems low compared to other handhelds, but it seems that the new form will fix this but at a little bit of a cost. According to the Youtuber of Moore's Law is Dead, it seems to be the case that the Switch will have what is known as an underclock that will be as low as 800mhz, which if done so will help in longer battery life, less power consumption and will also reducing the level of overheating the console could face as well. Now it is at the moment just some speculation on the upcoming project and it is based to take all speculation with a grain of salt and we can find out if all of the info is true once the console becomes unveiled to the masses but we will have to wait and see when that is.

But what do you think of this tech news and when do you expect it to be unveiled and released and do you see this new specs as being implemented and a good or bad thing? Let me know your opinions below and lets discuss them there.

So many announcements, so little time

Now this week saw a lot of new announcements of new projects, updates and some production starts as well as some updated release dates that there was so much content to talk about this week that I felt it was only right to put it all into just one big news story (besides some casting news that will be a separate story). So we have a lot to cover so bear with me.
So we start off the news of announcements this week as we will be returning to the world of Middle Earth and Mordor as it was announced earlier this week that we will be getting another new film based on the Lord of the Rings. Now we do have one coming out this Christmas of War of the Rohirrim, but this is a new live action film and will be based on everyone's power possessed cave dweller of Smeagol as it was announced that we are getting a film entitled Lord of the Rings: the Hunt for Gollum and will be directed and starring Andy Serkis and will be produced by Peter Jackson. Now it does sound interesting but also sounds like I wonder if this film will be based on the critically panned Gollum game from last year. It has also caused a bit of backlash mainly to the company of Warner Bros as for those unaware, there was a fan film made 15 years with the same name that they have taken the liberty of striking down from YouTube as being copyright of Warner Bros, which again shows some sense of scabbiness from that company when they say they are the only studio that provides stories of entertainment anymore which seems a bit of a mixed opinion. I do hope that they will fix their error and that things can go back on track and hopefully the project turns out well but it remains to be seen.
Next on the news is the confirmation that the 2nd season of Wednesday has officially entered production right here in my home country of Ireland with the unveiling of a big cast photo (also I may or may not have seen Ms Ortega spotted around the city capital myself and on social media as well as hearing mr Burton was spotted having a drink somewhere in town). Now it does also confirm some of the massive new cast including Steve Buschemi and Thandiwe Newton and a guest appearance by Christopher Lloyd (who did play Uncle Fester in the 90s Addams Family films). There is however one absent cast and that is with Percy Hynes as he has been dropped from the series due to some allegations of sexual harassment, threatening messages to women between the ages of 18-20 and even possible messaging of minors so it is only right they kick him off. Now I am sure that more screenshots will start to appear online of the production overtime (maybe if they are looking for extras I will sign up) but I am sure this will hopefully turn out well.
The next announcement came in the form that we will be getting a film based on the young Sylvester Stallone about his creation of the popular all time classic film of Rocky. Not much else is known on this at the moment but it has been confirmed the film will been directed or worked on by Peter Farrelly and besides that we have no other idea what else there is to the project and when we can expect to see but I will update in later pieces on that.
After a fair bit of time, we have finally gotten some new looks at the all new animated series continuation typed series of the animated series with Batman Caped Crusader and besides some news looks at the series, we also have not gotten an official release date for the series with the first 10 episode season will be dropping in full on August 1st of this year. In most case I am sure we will receive a trailer for the series in very short due time but so far from the image above and some of the other ones released it looks like a really exciting and anticipated series to check out in due time.
Another series with a release date confirmation that you would not expect to see be made into a follow up is to a sequel tv series of the adult animated comedy film of Sausage Party with Foodtopia and will be premiering on Amazon prime starting on July 11th. Now it is unclear on where the series will follow if it is the case of the end of the last film of them travelling to the real world after discovering they were cartoons or if it will be a focus of these food products will try to create a society for food product for Frank and his friends. Now it has been the longest time since I watched that film and experienced what the hell happened at the end of that film (if you have seen this film, you know what that is) but I am intruiged to see what this could end up like but I am sure I will be intrigued to see how this turns out.

in some more good news that I am happy about, it has been confirmed earlier this week that we are now getting a 2nd season to the popular comedy tv series of TED that will continue the stories of Ted and Johnny of them growing up in the 90s to where they are in the films. Now I have seen this series and really enjoyed it and will hope this series will have the charm and humor of the first season for more new adventures.

a small update on another project and that is the confirmation that the 3rd film of the Tron series with Ares has officially wrapped filming this week and confirmed it with a new image of Jared Leto's character that was released onto social media. Now I can see that hopefully it will be good, it can be a little mixed about Leto's performances that if he goes too method it can affect stuff but I am sure we will see how it looks by the time the film releases next October.

the 2nd last new announcement piece is the confirmation that we are getting a new sequel series to the 2 entries in the series of Blade Runner with Blade Runner 2099 with Prime Video. Not much else is known when we can expect it but we do have one confirmed cat member joining the project and that comes in the form of Oscar Winner Michelle Yeoh has joined the cast. Now it is unclear if the likes of Denis Villenuve or Ridley Scott will be involved in the project (or any other member of the previous films casts) but I am sure we will learn more about the series overtime.

And the last of the new announcement updates is that after releasing the newest entry just a little over a month ago, we have confirmation that a sequel to Godzilla x Kong is now in development for the Monsterverse and that it now has a writer in the form of Dave Callaham, who's known credit is the writer for the Shang Chi film for the MCU. Now I enjoyed New Empire for the basis of the world building and the giant monster fighting action and it is a case that I wouldn't mind checking this new film out when it does release and once I do hear any updates on it I will let you know in a later piece.

Now after all of that I would like to know your own thoughts on everything announced in this story and would like to know are you excited for any of them in particular? Let me know your own thoughts and opinions on any of them down below.

The Fantastic 4 has found its possible new villain and News on the MCU

Now for this next story as I mentioned at the top of the last one is that I will be delving into the area of casting news for this next story and this also relates to the giant film industry giant themselves of the MCU. Now over the last few weeks, we have seen some announcements and unveiling of cast members for one of the upcoming anticipated projects and that comes in the form of the Fantastic 4. Now we have seen some cast announcements over the weeks including the main 4 and even to the female version of the Silver Surfer, but now we have the announcement of 2 new additions that have joined a selection of some big named members to the cast. It was announced on Wednesday or Thursday of this week that is was the announcement of the casting of both John Malkovich and Ralph Ineson have both been cast in the film and while Malkovich's role has not been discussed, we do know that its been confirmed that Ineson has been cast in the role as the planet eater of Galactus making him presumably the villain of the new film. Now I can see that casting work well going off their work in the past that he can bring that sense of gravitas to the performance and both will join a selection of slowly growing actors to the performance.

Now that was where that story was to end but there is some small update when it comes to the basis of the massive franchise itself of the MCU. Now it has been seen over the last few years that the likes of the MCU has been seeing a fair bit of hit and miss when it comes to its content and mainly it comes down to the excessive amount every year that comes from it from Films, specials and tv series that have been introduced from Disney+ that has made keeping on top of the timeline a bit of a mess and also the basis of keeping the appeal and quality of those releases a mixed opinion. Well it seems now to be the case that Disney may have heard the complaints and they are now taking some actions as they have now decided to go back to the form of the Quality over Quantity approach to their releases and reduce the amount that comes out every year in order for 1. to make the saga last longer and 2. to bring back the appeal and box office success of the franchise they had been experiencing up to the very end of the Infinity Saga. This is in the form of the plan to release at most a minimum of 2 or max 3 films a year and the minimum of about 2 shows as well each year. Now it is still a fair bit of content each year and could be reduced where its a mix of a total of 3 pieces a year, but I am sure we can see how this goes about and if some element of that will happen this year given so far all we know of release was the tv series of Echo and the upcoming film and Deadpool & Wolverine so we will have to see how this approach will turn out by the time they implement the process and hopefully it will work out as a success rather then a disaster.

But what are your thoughts on these 2 stories of the casting choices for the film and who will John play in that film and if their reduction of MCU content a year is a good thing? Let me know down below.

And now with all of that, this bring us to the end of episode 69 of Weird Mind News Room and I do hope you enjoyed listening to my continuous ramblings (and I am not overthinking things and am just not talking to myself again as per usual) but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. Let me know you thoughts on everything down below and as always I hope you all stay being wonderful people and have a great day everyday doing many great things and I will see you all in the next video.

Take Care, Keep being you, signing off
Sam H :)


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